Example sentences of "[adv] do not [vb infin] in " in BNC.

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1 Then your then your feelings perhaps do n't matter in the overall picture of the education , but bearing in , looking at the teachers in our school , we , we really do n't have a weak teacher except perhaps Mr , who 's obviously not been well these last three years , erm
2 Shadows are the absence of light and so do n't exist in themselves , but they are still visible and palpable just as if they did .
3 ( Note that the conditions on use of variables within PAR mean that the variables of x below do not occur in y : =f , nor those of y in x : =e )
4 Tyler Blacklock had little interest in the millinery world , for he hardly ever wore a hat and so did not move in such circles ; neither had he made enquiries with regard to Beth or her husband .
5 As signalled by at all , however , this use also suggests a negative bias on the part of the speaker against the existence of any real need to borrow money , and so does not belong in a separate category from the others at all : it is just as non-assertive as all the rest .
6 This rather gloomy picture of the troubles of the daughter at home obviously does not apply in every case .
7 Only one Milanese was still proclaiming that ‘ greige ’ is good — and even he sent out token blasts of red , purple and pink to acknowledge a hankering for colour which he personally does not believe in .
8 The precise factors which weighed in Silkin 's mind in this programme of designations are reviewed by Cullingworth ( 1979 ) ; also the factors in the rejection of some proposals which finally did not feature in the list .
9 The towers of the cathedral did not crumble and fall , the choir in the precinct outside did not falter in their fund-raising performance for the Conservation of Rural England .
10 On substantive questions under the Convention , particularly whether the applicant has had a fair trial , matters of ‘ lawyer failure ’ generally do not result in a violation of the Convention because such failure can not be attributed to the State , which is the only respondent before the Commission or the Court .
11 They are not lazy , they just do not think in the free-flowing goal-oriented way that the ‘ butterflies ’ do .
12 Occasionally , in spite of the long time which has gone by without so much as a cuddle , you have a dreadful day and you just do not feel in the mood .
13 This philosophical objection is really the same as the so-called scientific objection that miracles just do not occur in this world or universe .
14 I just do n't believe in that . ’
15 It featured no film material , no exterior shooting and nothing whatsoever in the way of visual effects — such a department just did not exist in 1949 .
16 Well he just did n't smoke in cars .
17 And it 's not fair to say it 's because of the beard because the beard 's not my fault , they just did n't shave in the jungle in whatever century it 's going to be when we get there and I know I grew it early but that 's the way I am , I like to start thinking myself into the part as soon as possible .
18 A Newcastle police spokeswoman said : ‘ The fact they dumped the baby may mean they just did n't look in the back until it was too late .
19 Myths and rumours can still circulate about what SCOTVEC does not does not accept in terms of assessment .
20 Evolution thus does not proceed in a particular direction but types emerge which deal most effectively with their particular environments .
21 This suggests that HPV may be an active gene in carcinogenesis and thus does not lose in in vivo passage .
22 Or a semantic constituent may be untestable because it is completely determined syntactically , like — ness in His kindness was overwhelming , and thus does not participate in any contrasts at all .
23 But ‘ the Governor just does not engage in politics ’ , says a spokesman fastidiously .
24 It just does n't sink in any more .
25 I it 's part of the reason , i is that the processing just does n't exist in , in countries .
26 Common sense suggests that a person who submits to an act only because he believes that otherwise he will be over-powered and have it done to him anyway does not consent in law , even though the force necessary to overpower him will be small and non-injurious . ’
27 ‘ I almost begin to believe you did n't know about Berenice , but I still do n't believe in a sister who does n't exist , ’ he said slowly .
28 I still do n't believe in God but now I 'm something of a cross between a Buddhist and a Quaker with pantheist leanings . ’
29 More and more money from public taxation has been put in to such services one way or another , yet the services still do not work in a foolproof way , for a number of practical reasons .
30 Tess blushed a little , but still did not pause in her work .
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