Example sentences of "[adv] do [adv] [vb infin] so " in BNC.

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1 The debate has moved on and new elements have crept in which make devolution attractive to many people who perhaps did not feel so strongly about it or were even hostile to it in earlier days .
2 I personally do nt think so .
3 Franco not only did not do so but , on the following day , requested Sperrle to send any spare aircraft he might have to the Madrid front .
4 I do n't think so do n't think so .
5 ‘ Well , it works , so do n't sound so superior !
6 Found assorted English , Irish , American , German and French walkers having the same problem so did n't feel so bad .
7 But then the little bedroom was n't so did n't seem so damp .
8 ‘ Sister obviously does n't think so .
9 The other algorithms presented above do not suffer so seriously from this problem because they can all examine alternative paths for several steps .
10 Just do n't think so .
11 Families which operate in this way might be expected to break up but they usually do not do so .
12 They arise out of ourselves , and the alcoholic is an extreme example of self-will run riot , though he usually does not think so .
13 Smiling at her father , who probably did not think so either if he would permit himself to be honest about it , she placidly allowed him to give her hand to Tristan who looked down at her very intently , his face noble and moved and marvellously beautiful in the jewelled light from the stained glass window .
14 The rules stipulate clubs must field the strongest team available , but the FA turns a blind eye as the top teams clearly do not do so .
15 Mr Gorbachev himself , in deciding to battle on as their leader , clearly does not think so .
16 While assignment may go hand in hand with such assertoric force in positive statements , it clearly does not do so in questions , nor in subordinate clauses like that in : ( 34 ) I wonder if the taps were turned off Questions and such subordinate clauses show clearly that an idea of completeness which is independent of that of assertion is necessary .
17 Pray do n't speak so
18 Suddenly , Richie Quick did n't seem so real .
19 A joke against authority that now did n't look so good .
20 I really do n't think so .
21 ‘ I really do n't think so .
22 ‘ I really do n't think so , ’ she said quickly .
23 Oh , we really do n't feel so good .
24 So things really do n't feel so bad after a good laugh . ’
25 When they were given a choice between a familiar and a novel member of the opposite sex , birds might actually choose the familiar even when the novel really did not look so very different to our eyes ( Miller , 1979 ; Bateson , 1980 ; Slater & Clements , 1981 ) .
26 Now do n't get so angry , shepherd , and sit down ! ’ said Jacob .
27 Then meeting Sophie 's anxious gaze , she said briskly , ‘ Now do n't look so doubtful .
28 This may be the extreme consequence of a health service which , although it insists that it puts patients first , often does n't do so at all .
29 Some , uncharitably , have suggested the railways , particularly as his last book reputedly did n't sell so well .
30 But please do n't say so on the air . ’
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