Example sentences of "[adv] on [art] [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The design , colours used and decor of the reception area will depend entirely on the tastes and policies of each individual hotel or group of hotels .
2 Lord Morris said : The degree of precision or definition which makes a purpose a particular purpose depends entirely on the facts and circumstances of a purchase and sale transaction .
3 Is it that you may actually have lost fat but the loss may not show much on the scales because you are retaining water .
4 Again , the exact nature of what is on offer will depend very much on the priorities and resources of your local social services department .
5 ‘ Charismatic ’ was the word he first used and later withdrew — apparently on the grounds that Jefferson 's personality , while it is undoubtedly attractive to teenagers , is n't particularly pleasant .
6 Apollinaris survived for only a few months , and on his death Theuderic had Quintianus installed as bishop , apparently on the grounds that the saint had been driven from Rodez because of his loyalty to the Frankish king .
7 Often I can get sidetracked and spend too long on the wards and before I know it , it 's late afternoon .
8 I think this ought to be thrown out not necessarily on the rights or wrongs of fox hunting but on a procedural thing that you 've brought about where a dictatorial attitude is brought about by the Labour party that have the right apparently to say exactly what 'll happen on someone else 's land .
9 This Lenten time we focus our thoughts on the people of Africa and especially on the women and children of that Continent .
10 You should make note of the going especially on the take-offs and landings of each fence and decide how it may change or deteriorate .
11 Poor circulation can often result in dry flaky skin , especially on the hands and arms .
12 This similarity should caution against making too firm a distinction between the three ; for example one might have sought to make distinctions in terms of being instances of either ‘ new ’ or ‘ old ’ racism , especially on the grounds that new racists , unlike old racists , will justify their position by citing non-racial general principles ( Sniderman and Tetlock , 1986a , 1986b ; see also Potter and Wetherell , 1987 , for arguments against deducing ‘ true ’ attitudes from discourse ) .
13 Yeah and especially on the fractions and the different types of fractions but you just find o found out what makes ninety have n't you ?
14 Guinness plays a key role in the Irish economy where an immense contribution is made each year ; for instance , over IR£200 million is spent annually on the wages and salaries bill for its 3,000 employees up and down the country , along with the purchase of home grown raw materials and other requirements for its operations in the Republic .
15 Now , last weekend 's cycle ride down the new section of the M forty once looked threatened by being blown away as the Met Office warned of impending storms , but in fact the sun shone down on the riders and today , less than a week the counting is done and Mike Biddolph from Oxfordshire County Council , who also took part in the event , has come up with the grand total of — how much have you raised Mike ?
16 Er , if those that were earning over a certain amount , who certainly do n't need this child benefit to same the degree anyway , that 's those of at the lower end of the pay scale we could they could certainly save a lot of money , and they would n't have to do the squeeze down on the ones that would have the most .
17 At this , her hands crashed down on the keys and she jerked forward , saying , ‘ Do n't do that , Daddy , please . ’
18 In the pubs the bar staff put the chairs upside down on the tables and shouted , ‘ Hurry up now , please , thank you . ’
19 Willie knelt down on the newspapers and began to dry him .
20 Oak trees look down on the palms that bring a sub-tropical feel to the rest of the gardens .
21 She bore down on the hybrids and , with her claws , she killed them almost before they realized .
22 Ramlal sat down on the steps but the chaprassi kicked him aside .
23 The industrialist MP Samuel Morley and others persuaded him to stand down on the grounds that ministers should not directly enter the political arena and Morley paid all his expenses when he gave up the contest .
24 So inflexible was this masterplan that when New Scientist attempted to introduce someone who knew nothing about computers to the machine ( it is claimed to be very easy to use ) we were turned down on the grounds that ‘ this would upset the timetable ’ .
25 An amendment that the palace be run jointly with the Graduate Union was turned down on the grounds that ‘ the Graduates are too old and it 's bad for their health . ’
26 Invitations were turned down on the grounds that ‘ we would only have to ask them back ’ .
27 Galliéni , who was senior to Joffre , had been offered the supreme command , a post he turned down on the grounds that all his experience had been as a colonial soldier and administrator .
28 An action begun in Glasgow for possession of the books , papers and effects was turned down on the grounds that the Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was not registered in Scotland and that the complaint had therefore been raised " without title or authority " , though these effects were , claimed Shinwell , later handed over " for the sake of peace and quiet " .
29 St Osyth 's College of Education at Clacton-on-Sea proposed a BEd in 1969 and by December of the following year it had been turned down on the grounds that the College did not have an ‘ appropriate academic structure ’ , more thought about the objectives of the course ( it was for teachers of Home Economics ) was needed , the staff needed strengthening , the library expanding and laboratory facilities improving .
30 In the later seventeenth century a French duke turned it down on the grounds that his father , by holding it , had accumulated debts of 200,000 livres .
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