Example sentences of "[adv] with [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Without caring what he thought , she threaded her fingers tenderly through the thick , short waves of hair at the back of his head , probing gently with her fingertips for the already swelling lump .
2 This is regarded by the present government , along with its proposals for a national curriculum , as a means of enhancing the quality of education , and making schools more accountable to parents in a system of schooling that it is intended will be more consumer oriented .
3 Noting a coincidence between the ‘ open structure ’ of adolescence , in which the subject , ‘ in the aftermath of the oedipal stabilisation of subjective identity , … again questions his identifications , along with his capacities for speech and symbolisation ’ ( p. 9 ) , and the ‘ open structure ’ of the novel which explores a similar fluidity , negotiating the ‘ frontiers between differences of sex or identity , reality and fantasy , act and discourse ’ , Kristeva suggests that some form of literary history , that of novelistic discourse , might contribute to the fundamental project of psychoanalysis , that is , ‘ how to understand perversion in a way that is at once faithful and noncomplacent ’ ( p. 22 ) .
4 The ‘ chemistry ’ of different verbal behaviours in interaction with one another has been carefully investigated and here are some of the findings together with their implications for you .
5 She had then put its architecture firmly out of her mind , together with her yearnings for Norman arches , carved reredos and familiar Early English spires .
6 Taken together with his absences for reasons of health , Ewing 's work as a bishop was not successful .
7 Go on with your maps for a minute she said to the second form who were glancing at one another in astonishment as they heard the noise from the first form room .
8 Our officers say that this fits in perfectly with our plans for existing and new projects and I believe the officers .
9 This corresponds relatively well with our results for the pou[c] POU domain .
10 Head : ‘ Try to anticipate , for instance the negotiation with the Needlecraft department … our hopes for you fit in well with our hopes for the department . ’
11 Then I heard the door open again , and turned , thinking Mrs Raffald would be there with her things for tidying up , but it was Robert .
12 Is he also aware that British Steel can not go ahead with its plans for building a new plate mill on Teesside because of the depth of the recession into which the Government have plunged the country ?
13 She wants to be able to go ahead with their plans for a family even if he dies .
14 THE Queen is to be dumped from Australia 's Oath of Allegiance as premier Paul Keating forges ahead with his plans for a republic .
15 In self-confident mood , Franco pressed ahead with his plans for the Law of Succession .
16 His remarks were designed to ease current tensions between him and union chiefs which have been triggered by his determination to press ahead with his plans for party voting reforms .
17 The event commenced with Lorna entertaining the ladies on the terrace , currently with her plans for a flower border around the pool , while the men retired to the library with Robert for Scotch and business talk .
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