Example sentences of "[adv] for the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A NEW blood vessel ‘ drill ’ which can relieve blocked arteries supplying the heart has been used successfully for the first time by surgeons in Britain .
2 Local officials said that the move could result in the police and army being used locally for the first time , but reflected members ' anger and frustration .
3 The Green Party won representation locally for the first time with 14 seats ; and Sinn Féin won seven seats ( 10 in 1985 ) .
4 Nevertheless , it does provide a simple demonstration of a problem that dogs all our stratigraphical thinking , and as the palaeontologist in question was my student ( and I visited the area with him ) my inclinations are wholly for the second interpretation in this case .
5 ‘ Ah , but I should have acted six years ago , I should have taken you then when you were vulnerable in your confusion — as I supposed — involved with a recently married man , presumably for the first time , and not knowing what it was you felt for me because you were so sure Jones was all you wanted .
6 Summerchild and Serafin had met , presumably for the first time , on March 7th .
7 Not only did they bring stretches of water into country often lacking in them , as in many parts of the Midlands , with consequent changes in bird and plant life , but they also brought — mostly for the first time — aqueducts , cuttings and embankments , tunnels , locks , lifts and inclined planes , and many attractive bridges , and they greatly influenced the growth and appearance of many towns .
8 THE first Norwegian whalers have put to sea to hunt commercially for the first time since 1987 in defiance of a global moratorium .
9 Jinny remembered Bella 's words and understood them properly for the first time .
10 And for those few hours after she got home she found she could talk to her mother properly for the first time in over two years .
11 You gaze at each other properly for the first time .
12 Her mind was free to appreciate it properly for the first time .
13 Studying him now , dispassionately , without the emotional blindness of the aftermath of her accident , or the initial shock of finding that he was last night 's rescuer , it was like seeing him properly for the first time
14 Sighing , she swivelled round , looking at the cabin properly for the first time .
15 I remember he laughed and I noticed properly for the first time what a lovely blue his eyes were and a little thrill went through me .
16 Morse looked at her now — perhaps properly for the first time .
17 And now to a village where the church bells have been rung properly for the first time in twenty years .
18 A REVOLUTIONARY new Siberian surgery technique could help people in Teesside suffering from bone problems walk properly for the first time .
19 A new theory linking familiarity , complexity , and liking for two special classes of objects will be tested rigorously for the first time .
20 It 's all right for the first years now cos they 're never even gon na know about it .
21 It then g sets the thing right for the next variation as well , cos you use that variation er use that er latest remit within the subsequent variations to the appointment contract .
22 he 's done nothing , put it right for the last year .
23 It is tinged sometimes with a blinkered nostalgia , a belief that there really was a Golden Age in the countryside when humans and nature were in harmony ; at others with an ugly neo-colonialism , a conviction that wilderness are all right for the Third World , but not for us civilised folk .
24 Yes , I 'm sure he 's a very very happy man tonight , he 's been looking forward to this game tremendously for the last couple of weeks .
25 It shows that Essex , grouped as part of the Home counties , will see job prospects changing little for the second quarter of 1993 .
26 Well if you remember that the Jarrow marches and the general strike were n't very many years erm you know be behind the preparations that were going on for the second world war .
27 They come round at the interval and say , ‘ Was Ruby on for the first half ? ’ and I say , ‘ Yes . ’
28 The specifications of November 1939 became a reality just 43 years ago , when a CW pump evacuated model with sealing wax joints was switched on for the first time at the end of February 1940 , and operated successfully .
29 As a climax , you could arrange for some of the room lights to be switched off one by one before the tree-lights are switched on for the first time ( test them first ! ) .
30 For instance , a LAN operating system like NetWare or an appropriate environment like Windows for Workgroups can be largely pre-installed at the factory , with the remaining configuration being done via a fill-in-the-blanks , sign-on display when the thing 's switched on for the first time .
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