Example sentences of "[adv] for [art] [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 With the knowledge that the main feeding , bedding , etc. for the day was over , farmers could attend afternoon courses in a more relaxed and receptive frame of mind .
2 However , due to the limited capacities of the Committee it was recommended that the group should concentrate on running the centre more effectively for the time being and to engage management consultants to help it develop the capacity to run more complicated projects .
3 I do n't I I do n't catch it every night , it 's on for an hour is n't it ?
4 Mr Patten stays on for the time being as party chairman while he and Mr Major consider what should happen .
5 So we sort of like trying to hang on for the time being about the door .
6 And farmer Dennis Reynolds says the cost of making the birds plump enough for a feast is chicken feed — especially when supermarket meat can cost £1 per lb .
7 Varnishes can be used direct from the container if the diameter is large enough for the brush being used , but it is better to pour the varnish into a paint kettle which has a wire stretched across the middle , so that excess varnish can be scraped off on the wire .
8 Enough for the day is the evil thereof , friar .
9 Kirov fell silent , knowing that he had said enough for the time being .
10 Is that enough for the time being ? — IM
11 One assassination is enough for the time being . ’
12 This wistful elegy to the post-Bomb small-town America , The Last Picture Show was probably the first film that pined nostalgically for a generation 's lost innocence , soundtracking Hank Williams ' lonesome holler to great effect .
13 ‘ Nevertheless , my child , you must answer to something , if only for the time being . ’
14 Part of the reason why the shareholders had to wait so long for a return was that the original capital had been only 10,000 guineas , and the Company financed itself by fairly short-term loans from the merchants with which it did business , so the shareholders stood at the end of a long line of creditors but could expect substantial returns on their money in the end if the Company survived .
15 Blaming terracing alone for the tragedy is rather like banning cars after a fatal accident .
16 He said : ‘ Coming down for a month is not the same as a permanent move .
17 Stowing her bag by her feet , Loretta settled down for an hour 's read .
18 There may be some pleasures for which it is worth risking one 's life but to do so for a cigarette is an illustration of the sheer insanity of addictive disease .
19 And the mono thing worked ; we found it was a format we could really use well , so for the time being we 're carrying on down the path .
20 But at the age of twelve I knew that a falconry course was way beyond my means , so for the time being I had to be content with reading about it .
21 Being an MP still carried some weight ; he was PPS to a powerful minister at Defence , and the threat of the General Election had rolled away for the time being : he was someone to heed .
22 Whatever works best for the individual is the best way to learn .
23 Are they just for a month are they the cards ?
24 ‘ It 's just that the hospital do n't want you to have any visitors — not just for the time being .
25 To the people from the people who 've gone home ob we hope this 'll only be for a few days and some have gone er to other homes just for the time being .
26 Dealers who had flown in just for the sale were bitterly disappointed ( though they could privately view the works at Christie 's nonetheless ) , and the lavish , hard-bound catalogue became unobtainable overnight .
27 The idea of distinctive features was put forward in the early 1930s by Bloomfield ( 1933 ) and Trubetzkoy ( various publications leading up to 1939 ) ; however , in early work and in present-day functional phonology , the features are worked out individually for the language being studied .
28 Old Kewlany and his mate , as mystified as anyone , were set to work elsewhere for the time being .
29 Not for a moment am I suggesting that these figures , always in billions , are not important ; only that I , an innumerate , can not make head or tail of them .
30 I would not for a moment be without these sterling qualities but the imagery of this great movement is vivid and declamatory and Bach 's intention was surely to arouse the passions of his audience .
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