Example sentences of "[adv] it 's just [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As to what happens now he says I 've to go to Magistrate 's Court so it 's just beginning to sink in that it 's gon na cost him some brass and it 's going to be serious .
2 And keep it so it 's just ticking over , so that on average you 're absorbing two of these neutrons , say and just one is going on to st start another one , and you just you know ju It 's very fine control on the fuel rods .
3 So it 's just switching it the other way round .
4 So it 's just going to come to one over fifty plus one over a hundred .
5 So it 's just to make it much more comfortable to look at .
6 So it 's just coming up to five to that 's okay .
7 Now if you like you can sign all it says is erm it just it 's just telling you what it is and saying that you do n't mind them typing up the words form this .
8 yes it 's more it 's just going through the motions of a story at the moment rather than
9 ‘ Planned it for years to give me pleasure in my retirement and now it 's just getting into a mess .
10 I ju I mean , it , now it 's just getting me , more depressed than nowt else , I mean , I just wish that they 'd phone and say yeah , we 've got you a insured .
11 So that 's all arranged and now it 's just waiting for everything
12 ‘ Well it 's a it 's a it 's a place and it 's a g-girl and a boy … and the-they 've got obviously something which is is made some made made made well it 's just beginning to go and be rather unpleasant ( ha ! ha ! ) um and this is in the this is the the woman and she 's put putting some stuff and the it 's it 's that 's being really too big t-to do and nobody seems to have got anything there at all at all and er it 's …
13 What I would like to think , and I would like to keep that formalized , because if we do n't it 's just gon na drift and and
14 so they 're trying to corner it and it 's munching on grass quite happily , you could see it was watching a minute , but it was watching them away and I think er any minute it 's looking out the corner of its eye and then it 's just gon na go when he sees it getting closer .
15 I 'm , I 'm getting there it 's just taking a long while .
16 So again it 's just thinking about the eyes the eye the beginning .
17 Apart from given you a B yeah on why it 's just hanging in , must try a lot lot harder , gives me a B and then erm someone gave me a C someone gave me a C and said oh yeah gave me a C yeah
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