Example sentences of "[adv] have been [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Erm there 's enough I think enough has been said on , school meals , it 's those , they 're only in , in the , both were identified with efficiency savings of er Joanne erm in school meals without I hope because in the content or the , the nutritional value of the basic meal .
2 Enough has been said even in this brief review to make the point that when men wished to designate sanctity or degrees of sanctity it was to the hierarchy of precious substances that they turned for appropriate symbols .
3 Less has been done so far in urban Italy .
4 The business outlined below has been collected under three not mutually exclusive headings : validation , review and policy .
5 Let me with some humility , therefore , describe the manner in which I and my colleagues have sought to try and create our own dream of where our company might fit into tomorrow 's world , and how this process of marrying the vision from the top with the visions from below has been carried out within ICI .
6 By 1914 the exchanges were filling 3,000 vacancies a day , but these would perhaps have been filled even in their absence .
7 Greatly as I admire both the man and his work , I consider Max Beerbohm a dangerous influence — just how dangerous one must perhaps have been brought up in England to know .
8 On the weekend Aug. 22-23 three African migrants were found drowned near Tarifa , apparently having been dumped offshore [ see also p. 38982 ] .
9 The baby was only a sign and could only have been understood later in the light of the life of the person who was to be the Saviour of the world .
10 The court said that the conclusion the arbitrator had come to could only have been reached by in effect giving evidence to himself in flat contradiction to the evidence given by the applicants ' expert witness , and the arbitrator was guilty of misconduct in failing to observe the rules of natural justice .
11 The term " Chetniks " could only have been used very loosely to apply to them all , although in Macmillan 's diary entry on his visit to Klagenfurt he refers to the use of the word " Chetniks " to describe " guerilla forces raised by the Germans from Slovenes and …
12 It may be asked why it was necessary to go to the trouble of carving a model which by all accounts may only have been used once , when the same procedure , in fine day would produce a mould directly .
13 ‘ Then , supposing the sherry was poisoned , and supposing it was aimed at you , then it could only have been put there by someone who did n't know your habits ? ’
14 The concept of these ‘ continental ’ Wendy Houses with little canvas porches , plastic see-through windows and PVC-checked curtains could only have been dreamed up by someone who has never been two degrees north of the equator .
15 Such certification could only have been dreamed up as window dressing to exonerate the Agriculture Departments in circumstances where damage could have occurred .
16 These men who , with their fists , knocked others insensible , the art of doing so having been passed down as a necessary part of their growing up , had evidently never had to deal with a fainting female before ; and when the big , fat , enormous-breasted woman came into the kitchen , bawling , ‘ What the hell d' you think you 're at !
17 Behind them he saw a pair of horses , obviously having been warned off , turning to ride through a field , the colours of the riders ' helmets very bright against the pale , cold , February sky .
18 We would not necessarily have been notified yet . ’
19 The departures from a spherically symmetrical gravitational field are so big that J 2 is large enough to have been measured very accurately , and for the same reason this is also the case for the next gravitational coefficient in the series , J 4 ( jay-four ) .
20 All pretence that the paper ever belonged to MacQuillan personally had been given up and the title transferred to a newly formed company within the MacQuillan empire .
21 More recently , it was impossible to forget how he personally had been let down over the reserves pledged for the first phase at Verdun .
22 The attempt to cram sufficient experience of a five year span into a term of ten weeks brought with it superficiality and rush , leaving a guilty residue of feeling that not enough had been done thoroughly enough .
23 Such a view would be wrong because many of the points of critique that we have just set down have been backed up by solid research into the concrete world of interests and groups .
24 Any temptations to quit the area and start afresh have been left behind .
25 Not enough 's been achieved here and we 'll be back .
26 The answer is that it does , and that the justifications for doing so have been set out above — not so much because rape is a serious offence , but rather because ascertainment of the facts is so easy that there should be little substantive unfairness to defendants .
27 The remaining three thousand million years or so have been taken up by the slow process of biological evolution , which has led from the simplest organisms to beings who are capable of measuring time back to the big bang .
28 So that F has got to wait outside , the brackets , till the stuff inside 's been worked out .
29 The system generally has been found very easy to use .
30 The company has not laid off any employees , but overtime has been cut out and some work that was given to outside contractors , e.g. final ‘ shearing ’ up of carpets , is now done in the company .
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