Example sentences of "[adv] as [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , cost would preclude very frequent advertising via this particular medium , so for frequency of exposure it would be preferable to consider hoardings and transport advertisements ( eg as with the famous Guinness advertisements ) .
2 Varies : much as for The Rational if you have the binge in your own home and do n't serve champagne ; but can go through the roof if you hire a restaurant and insist on Moet all the way through .
3 The poems are intended to be read aloud as in the late middle ages , a period to which Darras is keenly attracted because national and linguistic boundaries had not yet hardened .
4 This is not to say that workers necessarily believed or accepted the new image of employers especially as during the 1950s memories of the pre-war era were clearly resonant .
5 Can he assure me that the woodlands sold off by the commission will be accessible to all walkers , especially as after the next election a lot of Scottish Labour Members will have a lot of time to do a lot of walking ?
6 And see below as to the new practice whereby a Form 53 duly executed by a building society may be available on completion .
7 Taxation The company will be liable to pay stamp duty at 0.5 per cent on the purchase price of the shares , but see para 23.2.5 below as to the proposed abolition of stamp duty .
8 This habitually hurts the Communists ( 8-10% of the vote ) , is curiously fair to the same-sized Clean Government vote , and fair enough as between the Liberal Democrats and the main Socialist parties .
9 In Say v. Smith ( 1563 ) 1 Plowd. 269 a lease for a certain term purported to add a term which was uncertain ; the lease was held valid only as to the certain term .
10 The start is at 11am and not as in the Scottish Cyclists Union handbook , and entries will be accepted up until 10.30am .
11 Many were two-storeyed and followed a custom not familiar in the classical period of Greece in that two orders appeared on the front colonnade , Doric on the ground floor and Ionic above as in the rebuilt Stoa of Attalos II of Pergamon in the agora of Athens ( 38 ) .
12 They can split on impact with the high twist yarns of ripstop nylon , and are really intended for sewing knitting fabrics where the ball forces the yarn apart , stretching and borrowing yarn from adjacent loops in the fabric without cutting through as with the normal pointed needle .
13 Educated people had become a despised group , just as during the Cultural Revolution , when they suffered verbal and physical abuse .
14 But , just as with the other two batches , centres have gone well beyond just the transfer of the remaining old courses into the new system and have proposed a large number of innovative courses and units for validation .
15 The band of gel containing each protein can either be cut out with a razorblade and the radioactivity in it counted , or the whole gel can be placed against X-ray film and an autoradiogram made , just as with the 2-DG experiment .
16 First , just as with the previous two categories , a doubt of this kind may well be simple or compound .
17 Just as on the domestic front , firms are exploring new ways towards greater efficiency and profitability , so too larger firms are looking beyond the frontiers of the UK to the opportunities which present themselves overseas .
18 For , just as for the similar sailors there would always be another ship , so for the mobile diggers there would always be some other great construction project when the present one finished .
19 In insisting on the fact that science starts with problems , then , is it not the case that , for the falsificationist just as for the naive inductivist , science starts from observation ?
20 And just as in the first leg at Ibrox a fortnight ago , there were football fireworks at Elland Road last night .
21 Soviet specialists identify the main political force within the region as nationalism and , just as in the 1960s countries were judged by their policy position regarding Cuba , the touchstone now is their degree of independence from the United States .
22 Just as in the real atmosphere , the shortwaves turn out to be unstable .
23 Just as in the private sector primary education is ‘ preparatory ’ , getting children ready for their public schools , so in the maintained sector we may naturally see primary school in this light .
24 This is because , to quote HM Treasury ( 1984 , p. 14 ) , ‘ jam today is worth jam tomorrow ’ because , just as in the private sector , ‘ more weight is given to earlier than to later costs and benefits ’ .
25 Since the universe would already be expanding just as in the hot big bang model , the repulsive effective of this cosmological constant would therefore have made the universe expand at an ever-increasing rate .
26 The contractors who mainly tender for local authority contracts would continue to do so , just as in the 1930s , when private building was unrestricted , they built close on 100,000 council houses annually .
27 In the 1960s feminism was a fairly middle-class affair — some would say it still is — except that in Britain , just as in the earlier suffrage , trade union and legal struggles around the turn of the century , working-class women have been strongly involved in campaigns to do with working conditions and wages , male violence , racism , childcare , housing and community action .
28 It seems that , just as in the 1870s , the abundance of work masked the new threat .
29 One quality which that work has in abundance is the Beowulfian ‘ impression of depth ’ , created just as in the old epic by songs and digressions like Aragorn 's lay of Tinúviel , Sam Gamgee 's allusions to the Silmaril and the Iron Crown , Elrond 's account of Celebrimbor , and dozens more .
30 Conchis was no more than the chance agent , the event that had come at the right time ; just as in the old days I might , after a celibate term at Oxford , have met a girl and begun an affaire with her , I had begun something exciting with him .
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