Example sentences of "[adv] his [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't entirely his thirst for knowledge that had made him insist on driving north to Chanchán .
2 Claudia winced ; it was doubly painful to have Roman know how much his marriage to Dana would affect her .
3 In a four hour talk , the Doctor faced afresh his calling from God and took two vital decisions in the light of that .
4 Especially his kind of investigation .
5 At local parties he was known not so much for his acting ability but for his great talent as a jazz pianist especially his impression of George Shearing .
6 By the autumn of 1283 the danger of Armagnac submission to the immediate lordship of the French crown appeared to have passed , but the behaviour of Philip III 's officers , especially his seneschal of Toulouse , had given rise to great concern among Edward I 's Gascon council at Bordeaux and among his proctors and advocates at Paris .
7 As time went on he found that his own tastes , especially his interest in music , aligned him more with Vaughan than Minton .
8 Despite his experimental and evasive approach to foreign policy from 1937 – 38 — a product of his own character and temperament , divisions within his administration , and especially his fear of isolationists at home — it is still possible to detect an underlying strategy among his cryptic statements and devious tactical moves .
9 By making an order , the trial court denies itself the chance to observe the demeanour of the witness and especially his reaction to cross-examination .
10 He allowed Jane to sit him by the table and then damp down his hair with water — ice cold and brackish ! — from the ewer .
11 Again he ran his gaze down his reflection from shoulder to loins .
12 In fact , he may have already turned down his opportunity for advancement .
13 The High Elf cut down his foe with ease .
14 He said this summer that as he gradually wound down his involvement in sport , Henley would be the last thing he would give up .
15 gulped down his share of beans and bread
16 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
17 Ray Illingworth was surely not exaggerating when he said that Barrington ‘ laid down his life for cricket ’ .
18 A FORMER British bobby is prepared to lay down his life for superstar Whitney Houston .
19 After his talks with Mr Baker , Chancellor Kohl toned down his enthusiasm for moves toward German unity .
20 When she 'd finished , he put down his cup of espresso , propped his elbow on the table and put his chin in his hand .
21 This is perhaps what is most satisfying about the conflagration at the end — the child/ builder/master mason has knocked down his tower of bricks .
22 During early 1983 Mr. H.D. Robinson ( who had originally joined the staff in 1952 ) was appointed to the new post of Proctor , two years after having laid down his baton as conductor of the School Orchestra since 1963 .
23 Corcoran is winding down his business in Santa Monica and relocating to New York , while the team is completed with the appointment of Jennifer Vorbach , lured from Citibank 's Art Advisory Services , as gallery director .
24 If the former method is chosen , the draftsman should beware lest the deemed turnover relates to the period immediately preceding the void , since the tenant may have been running down his business in preparation for a move .
25 He put down his glass of tea , lifted the rifle to his shoulder and trudged off into the debris .
26 Denis flung down his gun in disgust .
27 Again and again , the playmaster threw down his rider before Lucie , breathless and slow of movement , began his speech demanding to know why the donkey kept stopping .
28 The youngest assistant raised his head , and he looked down his nose at Alexei .
29 But no American politician , especially a wealthy one , is going to last two minutes if he 's caught looking down his nose at folk the way the French do .
30 On one occasion he went to Dundee where the promoter knocked down his purse from £4 to £2. 10s. because he had come on his motor bike rather than on the train .
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