Example sentences of "[adv] 's [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Marinello never had Best 's capacity for drink nor did he share his good fortune when it came to choosing clubs .
2 AS THE general election campaign gets under way , leading Cleveland councillors marked yesterday 's Vote for Democracy Day by pledging their support for democracy in South Africa .
3 The superstar is doubly lucky in that a certain aloofness — a concentration on tomorrow 's battle for supremacy — is expected .
4 The first machines that could be connected to the public telephone networks were introduced in the 1950s , and at this point today 's enthusiasm for fax might have been expected to appear .
5 In my view , today 's look for jackets is bigger ; shoulders are wide but unaggressively padded .
6 On the school 's noticeboard , religious notices have been taken over by election literature and copies of the government 's exhortations to take part in today 's vote for parliament as a ‘ religious and political duty ’ .
7 Well here 's news for IBM — at the present rate , it will have lost 100% of its mainframe sales in five years , almost all of them not to competing IBM products but to competing companies .
8 Here 's news for parents who find that bringing up children is more tricky than they thought .
9 At around five , Amiss 's need for sleep triumphed over his good nature and he hurled a paperback in Sunil 's direction .
10 Significantly , another housewife mentioned the fact that housework is not paid work as a reason for disliking it ; she said she would be happier doing someone else 's housework for pay than doing her own work .
11 From his period of employment in an Irish pub , Amiss was well accustomed to its denizens ' congenital gregariousness : this went hand in hand with a complete inability to understand anyone else 's need for peace .
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