Example sentences of "[adv] have [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And Mrs McMahon , who naturally had n't seen it because had n't she just this minute arrived back from the village and was n't the dress still in its bag , looked up at the three hovering on the stairs as though it were a divine deliverance , mumbled vaguely about a headache coming on , and thankfully abandoned her responsibilities to whoever was willing to take them on .
2 Perhaps it was because she 'd already seen countless admiring female eyes slide in his direction ; even though they apparently had n't recognised him in his goggles and ski-hat , still they were drawn by the sheer animal magnetism of the man .
3 He obviously had not expected her to return and , now that she had , she could damn well stay up in her bedroom until the cows came home , as far as he was concerned .
4 ‘ You obviously had n't realized she was my sister . ’
5 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
6 Yes no I said I 'm getting my B T's in offer in have n't got them .
7 Life just has not provided them with a partner and so they wander on through their thirties and forties , still living alone and gradually accepting the situation .
8 She just has n't paid it , that 's all .
9 Maybe she just has n't told you yet .
10 OK he tackles hard , has a fierce shot ( or did have ) but he just has n't got it anymore .
11 He also spoke of the motivation and enjoyment he had derived from Young Enterprise and the confidence he had gained from this knowledge that he did possess significant , relevant abilities school just had not teased them out before .
12 We always regarded it as a partnership , we just had n't made it official by telling the Institute or the Inland Revenue . ’
13 A new craze had swept in and he just had n't seen it coming .
14 Or perhaps she was falling apart already , she thought a little wildly , and she just had n't realised it .
15 When responsible citizens or policemen came rushing out into the road to grab at it and avert a disaster , Uncle Titch would leap up from behind his seat and pretend they just had n't noticed him .
16 ‘ I can guess why you 're here , ’ she began , ‘ I just had n't expected you so early . ’
17 Even though I 'd told you there was no point in your harbouring hopes , I somehow had n't expected you to up and leave .
18 I just have n't seen him since … you know … and I started to wonder if he even got back . ’
19 But it wo n't be arriving there until they get this Well they have the C D ROM , they just have n't got it up and running .
20 We maybe jus just have n't got it severe cos you 've just had that operation .
21 It does n't , they just have n't requested it this year .
22 At the moment they use their sitting room umm as just somewhere to put toys and washing and , just have n't decorated it or anything the dining room is still used like a living room , and what they really need is another room where they can .
23 Yeah , he still keeps far faffing around with the erm whatever detail , yeah , he still has n't given it to us
24 Siemens Nixdorf is in as bad a way as IBM , and only a couple of years behind Bull , and that simply because the German public sector still has n't realised it 's crazy to pay $50,000 or more per MIPS for computing power .
25 It still has n't stopped it .
26 It seems she still has n't forgiven me .
27 Fair point , but the Leeds defence has struggled for almost a season and he still has n't put it right .
28 He still has n't had it through , cos we were yes , yes , big improvement , it was just that we were arranging visiting and things like that and er whether there 's any need to do certain things , so er , but he 's still on a , he 's come off all his painkillers his morphine 's out completely , that 's fantastic is n't it ?
29 The obvious two are Kevin Keegan — he 'd be crap … he 's just a jumped up little Geordie who still has n't shown he can produce a really imaginative team ; and Glen Hoddle — now , hed be my choice … why ? because he 's young , has the respect of the players , would introduce the concept of playing football into the national team ( after all , if you look at the individual skill level of English players it 's as good as just about anywhere in the world … it 's just that managers have refused to let them play ) .
30 She drew near to Clare , who still had not seen her .
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