Example sentences of "[adv] have [to-vb] [prep] any " in BNC.

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1 Competition , the price of alternatives etcetera and then you only have to look in any travel agent 's window to see that that 's an important factor today .
2 You only have to walk into any art gallery these days to see that the real action is in the shop .
3 Ricardo reportedly stated that the government did not have to participate in any type of negotiation on the matter and defined repatriation as a sovereign act of any government over the status of illegal aliens residing in its territories .
4 The restored Stuarts did not have to deal with any difficulty of this sort but they did have a general problem of making sure that the King 's authority was accepted .
5 Too young to be hired as a full-blown CI , he was signed up on the spot as a ‘ subsource ’ , a convenient arrangement whereby he was paid by a DEA CI , rather than by the agency itself , so that , in the interests of ‘ deniability ’ , his name did not have to appear on any official payroll records .
6 They did not have to qualify in any other way , and neither will their successors who , like them , will be peers until they die .
7 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
8 Each miner in the team was an all-rounder and did not have to specialise in any single activity within the overall task of the group .
9 As far as the music industry , as far as any industry , you do n't have to settle for any of it .
10 And the vets at Stroud hope they wo n't have to deal with any more victims of senseless shooting .
11 There 's a popular misconception that a beginner 's instrument does n't have to function in any way like a professional model , because much less is expected of it , and that is just not altogether true .
12 The prospective tenants do n't have to belong to any particular regiment or come from any particular part of the country .
13 It has n't occurred to them that some people might actually have to survive on any money they 're given . ’
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