Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There are ways of abasing oneself — though Prior Robert would perhaps have managed them with better grace had things gone otherwise ! — as a means of exalting oneself .
2 And why not have placed them for safe keeping in a pocket , satchel or valise ?
3 Both Mancetter and Oxfordshire are well inland for convenient harbours , but this may not have prevented them from using water-borne transport .
4 However , this has been used mainly for those whose crimes would not have sent them to prison anyway .
5 But perhaps he could not have attracted them to The Other Story .
6 Especially when Charity and her mother had done their very best to help with a problem that need not have concerned them at all .
7 Some of the water in very deep aquifers may not have entered them as rain .
8 Believing our intellectual abilities to be God-given , he presumably thought that , had they not been sufficient for our needs , God would not have supplemented them by innately endowing us with anything other than truth .
9 I would normally have killed them with one strike of my talons ! ’
10 He must somehow have dislodged them on his way in .
11 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
12 Sometimes , new ideas involve such radically novel perspectives that the lack of key individuals ‘ in the chain of thought leading up to them … could easily have delayed them for … a generation ’ .
13 Now , having beaten West Indies three times in quick succession after not having beaten them for years , outclassing New Zealand 2–0 out there , the first team in over a decade to win a Test rubber there , and of course reaching the World Cup final , England are now a force to be reckoned with .
14 Benny was such a big girl , she could hardly have wanted them for herself .
15 Certainly , these designs were employed for a period of at least forty years , and their designers might not always have seen them in the same light .
16 There is no shame in their situation and they are participating in the disintegration of the moral force of respectability which would once have shamed them within their own class and community .
17 A structured visit from the attached inspector , talking things through as a ‘ critical friend ’ with the head or others , possibly having visited them in their classrooms first , can focus attention on all parts of the School Development Plan and suggest changes of emphasis and ways round emergent problems .
18 David Steel , Curator of European Art at the museum expressed the opinion that Mr Humber would probably have left them to the museum had he made a will , while he himself had tried to persuade the owner to donate them to the Rembrandthuis , Amsterdam .
19 Such mothers may have created an oral-maternal fixation in their children by their early and traumatic weaning of them , but would also have maintained them in a passive and otherwise dependent state , not because of their passive maternal solicitude , but because of their aggressive , assertive masculinity which caused them to dominate their children rather as a father might .
20 Admiral Sir Clowdisley Shovell [ q.v. ] may also have used them in the Mediterranean .
21 All the team here has turned them into citizens of the world with dignity , honour and a great future .
22 Benson was a large , calm man in his early sixties , grey of hair , cherubic and cheerful of countenance , and wearing a sports jacket , flannels and polo jersey , all of varying shades of grey and all so lived in , comfortable and crumpled that he could well have inherited them from his grandfather .
23 But we may well have seen them without registering that fact ; perhaps a film is set in a particular location and we are so involved in the plot that the background scenery enters only our subconscious mind .
24 The Jacobite sympathies of the family might well have prejudiced them in the eyes of the early Georges , but George III , especially after falling out with Coutts , had an affectionate and very special relationship with Drummonds .
25 They had both of them thought that the climate of Panama would be bad for the racquets , although it turned out in the end that he could perfectly well have taken them with him .
26 I seem to recall we dealt through local estate agents , and knowing the properties personally , I might well have recommended them to you , as a prospective buyer …
27 Well I would n't have chosen them for March cos I mean that 's very nice
28 He would n't have expected them to .
29 Their own educational socialization primarily through classics could not adequately have equipped them for the task of the " total " administration of a national culture .
30 In order to do this , we classify the adverts into types " aimed at women " and " aimed at men " ( we could instead have classified them as " television " versus " magazine " or " Italian " versus " British " , etc. ; and if our first attempt to classify gets us nowhere we might try one or more of these alternatives at a later stage ) .
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