Example sentences of "[adv] have [vb pp] at a " in BNC.

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1 It is idle to speculate on the source of leaks — that I did learn in my years in Government — but what was certain was that the Telegraph story could not have appeared at a worse time .
2 According to Mr Dieter Brauninger , an economist at Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt , the newcomers could not have arrived at a better time : a period of dynamic growth , when gaps created by the fall in the birth rate in the past two decades need to be filled .
3 In Peking 's eyes , the Nobel Peace Prize could not have come at a worse time .
4 The invitation could not have come at a better time .
5 The timing of the announcement could not have come at a more politically sensitive time .
6 For Sinton , who made his England debut in Poznan in the crucial final qualifier against Poland last November and was a member of the England B side that defeated France B at Loftus Road in February , that run could not have come at a better time .
7 This could not have come at a worse time , with the prospect in view of becoming an ‘ officer 's lady ’ .
8 She could not have come at a worse time ; a few hours after she arrived , she was a helpless burning hulk , with most of her passengers and crew dead .
9 And the announcement of the engagement could not have come at a better time for the battle-weary Royal Family .
10 It could not have come at a worse time for the Royal Family , almost on the eve of the wedding of Princess Anne to Commander Tim Laurence .
11 His first injury in English football could not have come at a worst time .
12 ‘ Then my news could not have come at a better time ! ’
13 ‘ In many ways , it could not have come at a worse time because the selectors are obviously considering alternatives after the defeat at Old Trafford and I would like to think I would be one of them . ’
14 ‘ God witness , ’ said Llewelyn , drumming his long fingers on the arms of his chair in a hard-driven rhythm that was always a key to the stresses of his mind , ‘ it could not have come at a worse time .
15 It could scarcely have come at a worse time .
16 His return to Eaton Park could scarcely have come at a more opportune moment considering that Gordon Hamilton , Stuart Laing , Norman Robson and Davy Nicholl have all moved on during the close season .
17 Bivalves seem generally to have evolved at a slow canter rather than a brisk gallop ( see ammonites pp. 73–6 ) and some living bivalves have a very long ancestry ; the small sized genus ( Nucula ) has relatives in Ordovician rocks not very different from Recent species .
18 For the CEGB , trying to sell nuclear reliability to an increasingly sceptical local population , this could hardly have come at a worse time .
19 On one issue — the nature of the orcs — Tolkien seems very nearly to have arrived at a solution without quite being able to grasp it , a sign , perhaps , of exhaustion .
20 If the money had been spent on social and industrial problems then the American economy might well have grown at a higher rate than it has , and technological innovation might have been more rapid in areas which directly contribute to trade .
21 Early in 1971 Waddell was found guilty of committing perjury at Meehan 's trial and in sentencing him to three years ' imprisonment Lord Cameron suggested that had he told the truth there , the Meehan jury might well have arrived at a different verdict .
22 Yet , with Deacon Blue getting the high score covering Bacharach & David songs , and a lot of new bubblegum little more than MOR , ‘ Sundrive Road ’ could n't have arrived at a better time , when there must be a pay-out for mature bands making no bones about playing pop for its own sake .
23 In fact , you 're probably thinking that it could n't have arrived at a less propitious moment . ’
24 Yet , with Deacon Blue getting the high score covering Bacharach & David songs , and a lot of new bubblegum little more than MOR , ‘ Sundrive Road ’ could n't have arrived at a better time , when there must be a pay-out for mature bands making no bones about playing pop for its own sake .
25 This could n't have happened at a worse time .
26 Her discovery in Paris could n't have happened at a worse time from that point of view , and she would just have to accept it .
27 He could n't have returned at a less opportune moment .
28 I felt … well , the offer could n't have come at a more opportune time , could it ? ’
29 ‘ The cash could n't have come at a better time , ’ said George at their home in Swansea , Wales .
30 " You could n't have come at a better time , " said Fleury cheerfully .
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