Example sentences of "[adv] have [been] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Traditionally , the connection between the police and the party in power locally has been very close , and the susceptibility of the former to the wishes of the latter has been much greater than in Britain .
2 With the exception of the freak year 1981 the ratio since has been about two to one .
3 Wicked episodes were often brought to my attention , but nothing either then or since has been as evil as the man Beck .
4 It would perhaps have been more accurate in the discussion to use terms such as load and extension .
5 It would perhaps have been entirely adequate if I had received it in any normal circumstances .
6 Productive regions of the world 's oceans today generate about 20–50 mg C cm , so the Hamersley Sea need only have been moderately productive to generate the iron deposits preserved there today .
7 One is that no actual endangerment is required : the explosion need only have been inherently likely to endanger life , and the offence is committed whether or not anyone 's life was put in danger .
8 It could only have been relatively cool gases that could initiate accretion processes .
9 But when I looked at the date , my father could only have been about twelve year old you see , when these letters were written so it must have been my grandfather writing to Coventry and Birmingham for parts for the penny farthing bicycles which he worked on .
10 And I can only have been about nine when a schoolfriend proudly showed snaps of her mother fancy-dressed as ‘ No-one loves a fairy when she 's 40 ’ .
11 It was about a year before we moved to Brisbane , so they must only have been about eight years old .
12 Aethelred 's parents had been married in 762 , so he will only have been about 11 when he became king on Alhred 's expulsion and those around him must have exercised real power .
13 After what seem an eternity , but which in reality could only have been about fifteen minutes , the paramedics from the county ambulance service arrived , and under David 's supervision the serious business of trying to lift Len out began .
14 Later , two men took me into a corner and fired questions at me for what seemed like ages , but can only have been about half an hour .
15 Politically , any alternative would obviously have been extremely difficult to implement while among the economists in the Economic Section the allure of Keynesian economics easily distracted attention from microeconomic problems and the need to understand how economic institutions actually worked .
16 At the big bang itself , the universe is thought to have had zero size , and so to have been infinitely hot .
17 Away from the others , he thought his attempts to fit in had been rather embarrassing .
18 And it is that point which has raised questions in the minds of some MPs who hitherto have been relatively happy with Clarke .
19 Undoubtedly the method works in Purdue , and reports are that its adoption elsewhere has been generally successful .
20 To be to be honest i I , I , it 's been , the presentation I 've given tonight has been slightly different , it 's the first time I tried it and it was really successful .
21 God — I should n't say this but the music press generally has been pretty decent to me .
22 But , if you can contrive it , it will be all the better for being a happy end that will not have been wholly obvious to your readers .
23 An example of this effectively ‘ free ’ typesetting capability is given by their recently launched weekly job opportunity sheet which , had it had to have been typeset , would not have been financially viable .
24 The calm approach of Hilton and his contemporaries to the mystical extremity may not have been simply due to British phlegm but may also have been the legacy of the relaxed and tranquil spirituality of Benedictine monasticism .
25 The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics .
26 The uncertainty principle implies that the early universe can not have been completely uniform because there must have been some uncertainties or fluctuations in the positions and velocities of the particles .
27 It could not have been completely uniform , because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum theory .
28 What it seems to mean is that if this pump had been required in an emergency , it would not have been immediately available and although , after a lifetime in industry , I know that such errors and failure can and do happen , there is really no room for such occurrences in nuclear generation .
29 This may not have been immediately obvious from the results of the 1935 General Election , for the Party had only just accepted Attlee as its leader on the eve of the election .
30 THE New Zealanders might not have been unduly impressive in the early part of their tour but they have played some exhilarating football at the end , completing their final match against a club side with an emphatic victory , 44-20 , over Featherstone Rovers at Post Office Road last night .
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