Example sentences of "[adv] have [been] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is also a small late building on a totally different alignment ( almost east-west ) which could perhaps have been a small Christian shrine , erected to counteract pagan influence .
2 As this met the requirements of the hotel , serving customers would merely have been a needless waste of effort and resources which could be profitably siphoned off elsewhere .
3 Maybe I was worried that someone else would read my diary , but if so this worry could only have been a slight one : I was much too careful to afford anyone the opportunity to snoop .
4 Such an equilibrium could only have been a temporary one , being based upon the fear of a common enemy , rather than on a positive material joint interest .
5 Zen 's barking background could only have been a big plus the day he found a newborn baby whose entire experience of life was going to be lying abandoned for a few hours by a creek near Plymouth .
6 For these , it seems obvious , Hitler 's public association with the radical ‘ solution of the Jewish Question ’ and the linking of the Führer to the widespread knowledge and rumours of the extermination of the Jews in the east , can only have been a further negative feature of his image .
7 But even at this date the alteration in emphasis can only have been a conscious attempt to attune to the wider audience , if still at that time mainly within Bavaria , which was beginning to show interest in Hitler in 1923 , and an awareness that anti-Marxism had a wider potential appeal than the mere repetition of anti-Jewish paroxysms of hate .
8 The most important would obviously have been the particular use of a vessel in the pantry or kitchen , on the dining table , or for drinking .
9 The public bar was a large L shaped room , one half of the L obviously having been a separate snug before the modernisation .
10 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
11 But if it did , it was apparently to have been a big affair — no mere helicopter-borne ‘ surgical strike ’ — in which sheer weight of numbers and firepower could have been expected to guarantee ultimate success .
12 The tapered-sided gable-lidded coffin was being challenged by the new single-break flat-lidded shell , though it appears only to have been the middle classes who focused attention on style .
13 Yet the collapse of the Taurus settlements system project , at massive cost , turns out only to have been the latest in a line .
14 Sally-Anne took the kiss and the last sight of him standing in the parlour in his beautiful evening clothes up to bed with her , and agreed with him — for really the end of the evening and their happy supper together had been the best thing of all .
15 She was shivering , but it was not with the cold , nor even reaction to what apparently had been a near escape .
16 Carnelian must know special runes to inscribe around the eye-screen and arcane litanies to incant , to make it serve this two-way purpose , which perhaps had been the true purpose of the device in the first place …
17 The apartment she had been in had been a single room — like his own , spartanly furnished — and she had had to share washing and night-soil facilities .
18 At this point Joan got a surprise visitor ; Vera Long had been a technical instructor in Occupational Therapy in York area hospitals , and enthused about Joan 's marvellous dogs .
19 I 've met some wonderful people , Bob Hope and Nat King Cole who much have been the nicest person I have ever seen
20 And the Cid assembled his chief captains and knights and people , and said unto them , Kinsmen and friends and vassals , hear me : to-day has been a good day , and to-morrow shall be a better day .
21 But it was thirty-one years later and recent scholarship has questioned whether the anecdote might not have been a retrospective invention .
22 Certainly it would not have been a respectable person , such as Hilbert 's gardener or cleaner , but most likely some unemployed derelict Adam had met in a pub .
23 This could not have been a simple financial investment , as the Grand Junction had manifestly no prospect of making any profit ; although its paid up capital was £420,000 , it was sold in 1894 for £6,500 .
24 Here , this view becomes converted into the argument that the refusal of treatment may not have been a rational decision or may not appear to others to have been so .
25 Certainly it would not have been a viable proposition if it had run into serious trouble within a year or so of its launch .
26 But although ‘ Tuxy ’ Girdle may not have been a youthful Hooligan , it did emerge that he had been running whores and he received a substantial sentence of penal servitude for the assault on the man whom the gang had suspected of being a police spy .
27 It is important to remember , though , that the production need not have been a full-time or permanent occupation , nor necessarily an urban-based activity , as the much wider pattern of small- and large-scale production demonstrates .
28 ‘ From a planning point of view it would not have been a major worry , although only the force staging the original tie could police the second replay because all the liaison work for the first match would have been done .
29 There is the possibility of some influence from craftsmen working to the south , around Water Newton , who specialised in the manufacture of geometric designs , but their work was based largely upon lozenge configurations and can not have been a major source of inspiration .
30 These grand buildings , both seminary and church , set in one of the most important squares in the city , could not have been a clearer statement from the victors of the Battle of the White Mountain .
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