Example sentences of "[adv] in [noun sg] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps an article on Sterlets , with pictures , might interest more people and with the increased interest perhaps in time the price will come down to a more realistic level .
2 You may feel at the end of the day that you need to hear from the officer of the case and he is still present obviously in case the court wishes
3 So in winter the trade winds are strengthened and diverted , and are almost reversed in summer .
4 So in fact the crinoline , although in some ways it had its disadvantages , I think it was a good deal more comfortable than , than wearing a lot of petticoats and being very restricted like that .
5 The server does all the work of finding the information , so in theory the user can ask any question and get an answer .
6 As in art so in ceremony the ruler came often to be represented as Christ .
7 So in effect the order made by the justices was three months less 13 days .
8 In the county courts discovery in personal injury cases remains mutual but in running-down cases or cases where liability is admitted , discovery is limited to documents relating to the amount of damages , and so in practice the defendant , unless the employer , is unlikely to have any documents to disclose .
9 When addresses are required , these are needed only in case the clinic discovers an important infection a day or so after the patient has left and needs to get in touch in a hurry .
10 What stopped people surfing Pipeline was only in part the wave itself — not so much perpendicular as concave , bent over like the hook of a question mark or a twitching scorpion 's tail .
11 Despite the fact that the 486 based PC 's are gradually coming down in price the evidence suggests that the 386 is still the preferred entry level machine .
12 Peter would like it ; poor Peter , who had broken down in bed the night before , and wept that he had failed her , failed her as well as — but he could n't actually articulate that .
13 It holds together in tension the reality of Christ in his Church , but the Christ who is real is not only risen but is crucified as well .
14 We must keep constantly in mind the idea that since these two aspects of the body are on different and incommunicable levels of being , they can not be reduced to one another .
15 As it is no longer in focus the drill serves to reinforce what has already been drilled and ensures automaticity of control .
16 The further away in time the message was situated , the less likely the speaker is to remember precisely the date and time at which it occurred , and the larger the time-span he is likely to make available for it to have occurred in .
17 It is not open to the health authority to deny liability on the ground that the organism that they injured was not in law the plaintiff and yet to deny responsibility for the defects with which the plaintiff was born on the ground that they inflicted them before birth .
18 you never er not in fact the Committee , we do in the eyes of when majority
19 A further point is that although Piaget implies that explanations which combine two types of content are always inappropriate , this is not in fact the case .
20 This is not in fact the case .
21 This is not in fact the case .
22 Erm , we have , as you would have seen , and has already been noted , erm , balances considerably higher than the seven million we 've previously set , at the , at the moment , and these will erm , be able to make provision if necessary , for police pay should happen to be higher than er , we are told than , than the one point five percent , which has something that people have raised with me , and erm , have said , that oh of course you lose grants if you do n't decide it now , but that is not in fact the case .
23 But I was surprised to discover on my first full day at Thornfield that Mrs Fairfax was not in fact the owner , as I had assumed , but the housekeeper , and that my new master was a Mr Rochester , who was often away from home .
24 If the Chancellor was not in control the pound could go into free fall , leading to much higher interest rates , Mr Payne went on .
25 Thus in total the team spent approximately 253 hours on referral and investigative work between October 1987 and March 1988 , of which approximately 74 hours ( 29 per cent ) was out-of-hours work and 6 hours ( 2 per cent ) was work after 11 p.m .
26 Thus in practice the role of a Classification Society enables many of the differences of opinion between a builder and an owner about the construction of a ship to be settled without formal recourse to an expert .
27 They decided to unpack it anyway in case the wind dropped .
28 She thought she might avoid the place for a few days herself , just in case the boy had any ideas of adopting her as a protector .
29 Come over here just in case the road sweeper 's coming up here .
30 So here are a few golden rules to follow … just in case the sun keeps shining .
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