Example sentences of "[adv] in [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 The County Court Rules , Order 37 , are wide enough in their terms for the further application to have been made before the county court judge .
2 Congress scolds the administration for not being forthcoming enough in its proposals for aid to Eastern Europe .
3 A special vote of the Mexico City-based WBC agreed that Lewis should receive 75 per cent of the £9 million-plus windfall instead of 80 per cent ( £6,777,622 ) as laid down in their rules for a champion defending his title in the challenger 's country .
4 Disapproval turned to horror when both boys set off in their Mirages for the Falklands .
5 Hobhouse , like other ‘ new Liberals ’ such as C. F. G. Masterman , a Liberal MP who published in 1909 The Condition of England , an influential indictment of poverty and social inequality , went further in his demands for state action , especially for redistribution , than many contemporary Liberals were prepared to accept .
6 Many of the prisoners are locked up in their cells for most of the 24 hours in the day .
7 An idea flared up in his eyes for a moment and then went out .
8 Perfectionism : Family members try desperately to get everything exactly right in their plans for the primary sufferer but still blame themselves when the smallest things go wrong .
9 We black Catholics must speak out in our schools for equality for our children , so that they can become the clergy and laity for the future without having to apologise for being black .
10 They will trawl back in their minds for comments and clues that , if they had been understood at the time , might have enabled them to be more helpful .
11 I hung up and dug around in my pockets for a smoke .
12 She cavorted about in its depths for a while before gliding to the side to retrieve the soap and wash the collected grime from her skin and hair .
13 Anna fumbled about in her pockets for a handkerchief .
14 It is a fundamental assumption for structural sociology that when we are born we are confronted by a social world which is just as real — at least in its consequences for our behaviour — as other realities which we also confront .
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