Example sentences of "[adv] and [verb] me [art] " in BNC.

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1 The guard did not challenge us and we followed the faint trackway till Benjamin reined in and offered me a bulging wineskin .
2 I was just as confused as that day she came in and told me the news .
3 Bring him in and give me a shout .
4 And they 'll have my old one in and give me the extra bread for it .
5 ‘ Patience , Emily , all in good time , what about inviting me in and offering me a drink , the grass here is quite damp you know , and in those silly slippers , you 'll catch your death . ’
6 ‘ After the match , the chairman came in and showed me the other results and the league placings .
7 Jennifer could you ask Mr if he could just pop in and see me a minute .
8 just can you nip in and get me a pound and a half of liver ?
9 You should have I 'm gon na have to go in and get me a a double bass like .
10 She was a kind woman and whenever I called with a message she would sit me down and fetch me a biscuit or a glass of milk .
11 ‘ Why do n't you just sit down and tell me the whole story from the beginning . ’
12 He sits down and writes me a receipt in the shadow of a sign which says ‘ You do n't have to be crazy here but it helps ’ .
13 He took it in the pub and he got three quarts of beer ; and he had to lay a penny down and bought me a bottle of pop .
14 Sit down and give me the time I need to explain everything to you ? ’
15 But right now , you can just trot along and leave me a bit of peace to get some kip while I got the chance .
16 Away and get me a couple of
17 The prowl-car boys handed me downstairs and gave me the hands-flat-against-the-roof-of-the-car routine while they frisked me .
18 He nodded politely and showed me the palm of a gloved hand .
19 Ant : Look , why do n't you nip home and get me a pair of your trousers ?
20 Who can put their hand up and tell me the next number ?
21 Mister C hops up and gives me a demo .
22 ‘ No , they 're in a room behind the cinema , ’ he said , pulling up and showing me a light in a doorway , up some steps .
23 ‘ Hurry up and give me a grandchild , I said to her .
24 Get up and give me a light , and a drink too while you 're at it . "
25 If you ca n't remember it look it up and give me a call in Washington this evening .
26 If you 've got a phone , whether it 's in your car , in your house , at the bottom of your garden , you can pick it up and give me a ring on .
27 But if you get up and give me a hand
28 Put your hand up and give me an idea of some of the things you think are important what do you believe I believe do you
29 Can you go up and get me a vest or a towel or something from my locker ?
30 I 've just rung up to see , I was gon na ask Jo to nip out and get me a cake and see if the advert was in , but it do it does n't actually come out , it 's like the local Chronicle here , it comes out on a Thursday night
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