Example sentences of "[adv] of [pers pn] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 He was , it appears , neither rapacious nor peremptory , no ‘ for kicks ’ , no ‘ wham bam , thank you , mam ! ’ — he tried to make sure both of them enjoyed the time ; and he was fun .
2 It begins with John Helm of Yorkshire TV introducing the speakers : Helm : Right , gentlemen , we have n't won a championship title since 1967 , but both of you know the rules — three falls or one submission and any knockdown and the one still standing retires to a neutral corner .
3 By what I can gather they must have lived in Durham for a time , 'cos when she was saying her prayers she brought in a Mrs Melburn , a parson 's wife , who was kind to them after the father died or whatever , an' from what I made out of her jabbering the woman and the mother have written to each other .
4 Cars began to draw up amid the rubble and whole families , 60 or 70 people in all , climbed out of them to view the silent barricade .
5 Out of it came the British Aircraft Corporation ( an amalgamation of Vickers and English Electric ) with the design contract , and Bristol-Siddeley with the responsibility for the development of the Olympus engine .
6 The man who got out of it left the headlights full on and the engine running .
7 It was the most delicate shade of creamy blue and out of it floated the masts and superstructures of fishing boats , riding silently at anchor .
8 but he used , instead of him buying the wood or getting me to give him the money for the wood , he cannibalized the fucking wardrobes and used the sides and the
9 Ahead of him stretched the future , and this time , instead of a summer landscape full of lush green fields , it suddenly took on a closed and wintry air .
10 As the camera pans left with this tennis player it is aimed slightly ahead of him to balance the shot by allowing ‘ walking room ’ .
11 Ahead of them lay the Nile , bathed in mist , like a white sea ; behind them lay the dark desert , like a petrified purple ocean .
12 They had reached the end of the ferry jetties and ahead of them lay the tightly-knit bulk of the town , its few colours beige , dun , ochre , brown and white — flattened by the sunlight .
13 Ahead of her glittered the tracks of Frere 's previous solitary excursion .
14 Ahead of us towered the great octagonal bastions of Shah Jehan 's Lahore Gate , an impregnable wall of solid sandstone overlaid by some restrained detailing : blind arcades of cusped arches , a delicate jharokha , and a pair of carved lotus flowers floating on the sandstone spandrels of the great horseshoe arch .
15 Today we all have access to the speed , warmth and comfort of cars , buses , trains and planes , if that is we have the money , if there is a service running when we want it to where we want to go and if there is n't already so much traffic ahead of us choking the roads , polluting the atmosphere that we wished we stayed at home .
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