Example sentences of "[adv] be [v-ing] for [num] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We will want to know if the warning lights had only been flashing for 10 seconds and not 30 . ’
2 A number of experiments on bone modification in soil have been initiated , but they have only been running for five years and so far there is no good evidence of any change .
3 Erm my course has only been running for three years .
4 Cos it 's only been running for three years
5 The team has only been going for one term and we have only played two matches against other schools .
6 Although he has only been rallying for one year he has already appeared on the BBC Top Gear championship series when viewers saw him win his grand touring class .
7 Although the Hervert Laming letter of 13 December 1992 created its own furore about what should be written down , senior managers had already been debating for six months about whether care managers should bluff users and relatives about the money available for them .
8 Spare Rib — the UK 's first feminist magazine — had already been going for five years .
9 By the time human beings first came into being , several million years ago , life had already been evolving for three and a half billion years .
10 The Wall Street crash of 1929 was severe enough , by itself , to reduce wealth in the American economy substantially , and thus to cut personal and business spending ( which had already been falling for two months ) .
11 He was awakened by a seaman who told him that the ship would not be leaving for seven days , and there would be no place for him to hide as timber was being loaded under German supervision .
12 He never writes a memo saying you know we are supporting or attacking this government as about this election campaign , never , but journalists know what his view is and they write in a code with that view and if they did n't they would quickly find out where they should be and it would not be working for one of those newspapers and the thing that 's quite perverse about it is the .
13 Your mother will not be waiting for sixteen years , after all . ’
14 Germany has a target of a 30 per cent reduction by 2005 , France recommends cuts of up to 50 per cent by 2030 , Italy has made a parliamentary resolution for 20 per cent cuts by 2005 and Australia also is aiming for 20 per cent cuts by 2005 .
15 Tim Curtis is not afraid to leave out seamers — but it still looks as if Illingworth and Stemp will mostly be competing for one place .
16 THE paper recycling pilot scheme at LASMO 's Broadgate office has now been running for six months — and the amount of paper being collected each week has doubled .
17 erm People who get the goals get the headlines do n't they erm so I 'm pleased for him erm John Durning now is missing for two games erm he misses erm Oldham and Swindon , so that 's pleasing to have Foyly back .
18 Well if you have n't been working for six months you are looking for a job , you are not unemployed .
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