Example sentences of "[adv] the case [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Presumably the case for streaming gets stronger as you go higher up in a school ?
2 Presumably the case for streaming gets stronger as you get higher up into a school ?
3 If committees were to be as business-like in this as in other matters , they would resort to this method rather than to mountebank exhibitions , in which the bold and unscrupulous fare best , and the honest and modest worst and there would be fewer vain regrets and miserable depositions afterwards , than is unhappily the case at present .
4 The Review recommended that there be a fixed period within which the parties would be required to set down the case for trial or to report to the court .
5 So the case for rectification can not be brought under paragraph ( h ) .
6 ln a large file , normally the case in database systems , the savings in time will be marked .
7 However , the appointment of a receiver must not be equated with that of a liquidator : ( i ) where a receiver is appointed the company need not go into liquidation and if it does the same person who acted as receiver will normally not be appointed liquidator ; ( ii ) liquidation is a class action designed to protect the interests of the unsecured creditors whereas , as we shall see , receivership is designed to protect the interests of the security holders who appointed the receiver and it is for this reason that a receiver can be appointed even where the company is in liquidation ; ( iii ) liquidation terminates the trading power of the company whereas this is not the case with receivership ; ( iv ) a liquidator has power to disclaim onerous property , something not possible in the case of receivership ; ( v ) a liquidator in a compulsory winding up is an officer of the court whereas this is not the case with a receiver unless appointed by the court ; ( vi ) lastly , it is easier to obtain recognition of liquidation as opposed to receivership in proceedings in foreign courts .
8 Well , it 's not the case with music .
9 This is not the case with thermoluminescence ( TL ) dating , which requires several grams of pottery .
10 This is not the case with sugar , honey , grape must , cloves and other spices which increase its merit .
11 It 's not the case with opera , where everyone walks backwards and sounds God-awful .
12 In North-Wales , the status of Welsh is now well established , while such is not the case with Punjabi in Lancashire .
13 He found that although the coincidence of business and political cycles was " very marked " with respect to the United States , New Zealand and Germany , this was not the case with respect to Britain because pressing action on the balance of payments swamped the cycle of economic policy-making revolving around elections .
14 In institutions where this is not the case at present it should be given priority in plans for staff development and forward planning .
15 Although their youth and lack of training were viewed with scepticism by other day-centre users and staff , this was not the case in Contact .
16 One was that the crack tip was elliptical or rounded , which is clearly not the case in detail in a material made out of atoms .
17 This was certainly not the case in respect of the Geneva Conventions Act where the offences were newly created solely to give effect to the Convention , and were described as being hardly applicable to the case at all .
18 The syllabus gives indications that skills other than in painting should be developed in the teaching , but this is not the case in practice .
19 This is not the case in relation to health .
20 This is certainly not the case in relation to current provision in Scotland or proposals being brought forward in England .
21 He had a hearty manner and his heavy spectacles suggested an even greater myopia than is usually the case with conference chairpersons .
22 It was significant that Mr Lamont had looked further ahead than is usually the case on Budget day , said Professor Sherer .
23 The Youth Service is seen as important at diocesan level , but this is not always the case at parish level . ’
24 In a ramshackle sort of way , we actually put together a few decent tunes , though as is always the case with truck bands , or marching bands for that matter , quality loses out to volume .
25 Although the debate over whether the pre- or the postsynaptic changes are the most important is still raging as I write , it is likely to turn out , as is sometimes but not always the case in science , that both camps are more or less right .
26 Using its mandate , it can now press even harder the case for council power-sharing , even in Belfast .
27 Devon and Cornwall police last Friday took up the case of Pipe 's Her Honour , found to have been doped when flopping at Kempton in January .
28 Euro MP Stephen Hughes is taking up the case of lorry driver Bob Elder , 47 , of South View , Tantobie , Stanley , who faces financial ruin because his truck has been impounded after he was involved in a fatal accident in Italy .
29 The class system created to operate the new economy in both the case of capitalism and ancient society leads to such opposition , exploitation , and contradiction that the system for which it was created collapses .
30 From this definition , assignments of choses in action are excluded and this is also the case with money .
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