Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It took people a long time to understand that Education had a much broader view on Channel 4 , and that many of the things that would elsewhere have been informational , or features or factual , would actually find a home in my lot , rather than in Liz 's .
2 It was initiated partly in response to the furore caused by Enoch Powell 's 1969 ‘ rivers of blood ’ speech , much as disturbances at the 1976 Notting Hill Carnival prompted further steps on the part of the Department of the Environment — ‘ A riot makes a much bigger impact on government thinking ’ , as Donnison ( 1987 ) has pointed out , ‘ than any amount of earnest and accurate research ’ .
3 This would concur with the conclusions of reviews of the much larger literature on support and health which does not specifically consider the effects of stress .
4 In West Africa , as in all aspects of life there , Africans played a much larger part on railway staffs .
5 Factors such as degree of disability and whether the elderly person lives alone , with a spouse , or with younger household members may have a much stronger influence on service receipt than the age of the elderly person .
6 Within groups — collections of individuals , with no special ties with each other , grew into closely-knit groups ; the group climate changed from being play-orientated to work orientated , and leadership tended to become more autocratic ; each group became more highly structured and put a much greater emphasis on loyalty and conformity .
7 One thing about leadership through team work is that it puts a much greater emphasis on training for the purposes of delegation and the word that they use to describe that piece is empowerment .
8 Benefits are those accruing from : 1 The purchaser–provider split ( clarity of role , focus on health needs , more patient-centred ) ; 2 Closer working and links with GPs , users and other agencies ; 3 Much greater emphasis on quality issues ( 81 per cent in the survey believe that contracting has produced quality improvements in services ) ; 4 Better information leading to improved decision-making ; 5 Increased provider accountability .
9 The movement of cattle , legal and illegal , had a much greater influence on Border life , particularly in its less amenable wilds and wastes , than did agricultural developments .
10 In the primates this trend has been continued , probably not leased because , having been tree-dwellers and still being predominantly arboreal , the primates have developed a much greater reliance on vision and a correspondingly lesser reliance on the sense of smell .
11 I think as far as market is concerned we have sort of taken certain steps as far as the marketing is I mean the computerisation of ticket system gives us a much greater insight on marketing now cos you can actually see what people come to see and we can by the ticket that 's actually sold and we can actually target people direct .
12 ‘ I believe my constituents would welcome a generally tougher policy on sentencing , less frequent agreement of bail especially when opposed , and the suspension or revocation of licences for pubs and clubs where there is persistent trouble . ’
13 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
14 No concerted attempt was made to rectify this major perceived weakness relative to the Tories , although they have a far worse record on unemployment , taxation , interest rates , economic growth , balance of payments and government borrowing relative to national income ( taking into account privatisation proceeds ) than the last Labour government .
15 To non-riders dressage must appear to be the art of making the noble horse look like a wally with an even bigger wally on top in fancy dress .
16 Every one of those links , whether it is an effect on the chemistry inside a cell , a later effect on how brain cells wire themselves together , an even later effect on behaviour , or a final effect on lake size , is correctly regarded as caused by a change in the DNA .
17 THE Chancellor and the Bank of England were forced to step in to halt a further dangerous slide by the pound yesterday morning which overshadowed the later , dramatically better news on inflation .
18 He wants to see even greater spending on publicity , help and advice .
19 One can share it and yet recognise that there is justification for contemporary views that work in mines and manufacture had a yet greater effect on health and longevity .
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