Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I just though it was a simple misprint and with one stroke of the pen I changed ‘ otter ’ to ‘ other ’ , thus effecting a rather broader sweep to Party policy than had been intended .
2 Compared with the public performers mentioned above , effective managers usually give much lower priority to recognition .
3 Rustam , our ornithologist , insisted that this was a much easier place to work , and so I agreed , reluctantly , to the change of plan .
4 The resulting fuse was much more accurate and consistent in its timing , and had a much better resistance to water and the various kinds of treatment to which it was inevitably subjected in the mines .
5 that 's right , that 'll be a much better system to work
6 They lack the superficial coherence of a written constitution , but they bear a much closer relation to reality than bright ideas on a piece of paper .
7 Some of the newer boots achieve a much higher resistance to water penetration by altering the surface chemistry of the leather , making it hydrophobic ( water hating ) .
8 But finished goods generally have a much higher value to weight ratio than do raw materials , and accordingly it was on the transit costs of the latter that canals had their most marked effect .
9 Restrictions on the freedom of assembly were gradually being relaxed , and the massive growth and increasing boldness of the press was lending ever greater muscle to public opinion .
10 For the top and intermediate Party leadership , Hitler 's image stood therefore in far closer relationship to reality than it did for the broad mass of the population .
11 Men like Acton used the twin issues of prostitution and venereal disease to insist that medics rather than moralists now had far greater claim to authority on social and environmental issues .
12 With the increase in major nuclear powers from five to eight , proliferation is a dangerous reality and may become an even greater threat to peace and stability .
13 In it , you mentioned that you would be willing to write to an official in support of the building of a proper path between Bloomiehall Park and Muirwood Road , to give children a shorter and potentially safer route to school avoiding the Lanark Road .
14 Perhaps it may bring with it , too , release from the pressures to be competitive in the scramble for status and material goods and give instead greater ability to value those things which are true and lasting .
15 Interestingly , rats fed a linoleic or eicosapentaenoic supplemented diet after pretreatment with HCl developed significantly higher resistance to acid than those fed the diet with oelic acid ( p<0.05 ) .
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