Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
2 It would be misleading therefore , effectively to write off the outer circle of kin as significant sources of support in British society .
3 Bob tried to imagine Morris completing the trainee scheme , joining the pensions fund , and going on to groove out the diagonal of Hand and Ball Court morning and night for twenty or thirty years .
4 WHEN it comes to munching mince pies , there is only one expert in the world robust enough to carry out the definitive taste test — Father Christmas .
5 It is essentially a melodic instrument and , though holding-notes in music of light calibre are charming in effect ( especially from or thereabouts with the exception — save in the hands of first-class players — of C ) it can not efface itself sufficiently to carry out the menial task of ‘ filling in notes of the harmony ’ in block writing .
6 On the other hand , it can be argued that real believers are incapable of distancing themselves sufficiently to carry out an objective study of their own ( or perhaps even of someone else 's ) religion .
7 We waited patiently to see how the new Council would emerge , and we are now delighted to have established a Partnership Plan between ourselves and CCW .
8 This quantity is sufficient for 125 litres of compost , enough to plant up a considerable number of hanging baskets , pots and window boxes .
9 Although not a classic , this 90-minute video is worth watching if only to see again the legendary mistakes of Leeds keeper Gary Sprake , or Lee Dixon 's own goal for Arsenal against Coventry — surely the cock-up against which all future cock-ups will be judged .
10 Whereas a traditional craftsman would decide what should be done , how it should be done , when it should be done , and to what level of quality , as well as actually executing the task itself , modern management within capitalism takes on all these former conceptual functions , leaving labour merely to carry out the mechanical aspects of performing the manual task .
11 He explains that most specialist dies are , of course , catered for , including vegetarian dishes , which , I noticed , were unusual enough to tempt even the staunchest of meat-eaters like myself .
12 ‘ After 10 years of employment legislation focused on what unions and their members may not do , the Government would do better to spell out the positive rights it believes trade union members are entitled to at the workplace . ’
13 She had been reluctant to put it away , wishing she had no other commitments so that she could continue with the next chapter and looking forward to getting down to work again the following morning .
14 Another restless night followed , and she determinedly settled down to work again the next morning , concentrating hard on the illustrations so that not even a tiny corner of her mind was free to think about Julius .
15 The displacements are found by selecting a plan view of PARTA and zooming in to observe only the full rotation of the cam centre about the axis of the shaft .
16 Use the five steps and chart below to work out a reasonable estimate of the cost of rebuilding your home .
17 Mr Crangle would spend hours rearranging them into their proper sections only to come back the next day and find them all mixed up again .
18 For all the talk of Welsh rebirth , Scotland 's performance ought to be good enough to set up the Triple Crown chance at Twickenham next month .
19 Gordon Ellis of the Vectis Flyers , Isle of Wight , uses marker pens to apply his Dragon decor , though not always enough to ward off the evil intent of competitors !
20 Because of this , it can operate for 15 hours continuously at full power , stopping only to pick up a new coal pack .
21 Er now we , the pensioners , had no choice , we were picked up and put into the new scheme having paid our contributions appropriately to the old scheme rules which were the higher contributions , but only to pick up the new scheme rules that were against our interest .
22 When she had looked in to clean up the following day the meal was still on the table , untouched .
23 As in Chapter 2 , there will be room only to open up a few of the many possible perspectives and issues , and to suggest some ways of thinking about them .
24 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
25 Chilled though she was by the bleakness of his voice , it was not enough to damp down the new life in her head .
26 She kicked aside some of the mess , bent down to pick up a crisp packet , dropped it again and leaned against a wall , overwhelmed .
27 Note that the killer was a Euro-convertible , brilliantly conceived by the company 's advisers : it proved as fatal as another financiers ' wheeze , the repurchase of 40% of IBC , which helped greatly to destroy virtually the entire value of that company 's equity .
28 Toby Freely felt somewhat out of his depth , not confident enough to sort out the genuine from the assumed .
29 Similarly , the role of occupational and private pensions is covered fully in the chapter by Dulcie Groves and it is therefore necessary only to highlight here the main features which disadvantage women and contribute to their greater likelihood of experiencing poverty in old age .
30 The prince , at a loss with the complexities of women , was quick enough to pick up an offered lead , and not infrequently bettered the prompting , as he did now .
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