Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 It was he who went on to train me to the point where I could begin to set in motion a way to extract revenge from the blanc nations , and ensure that no one would so betray us again .
2 that 's almost certainly enough to nail it to the floor I would have thought .
3 ‘ How I loathe people who raise one 's hopes , only to dash them to the ground ! ’
4 By 1864 his interest in Christianity and his deference to family expectations were still strong enough to lead him to the choice of theology as one of his two subjects at Bonn ; but there is no doubt that belief was a thing of the past .
5 In fact there was precious little to rely on in the unconscious unless the product was good enough to sell itself to the conscious senses , in which case the unconscious appeal was superfluous .
6 There is still a feeling , and rightly so , that every firm owes some responsibility to its members and their dependants in this respect and that it is not enough to leave it to the individual partner to make his own arrangements .
7 As with the Cel Editor , you may import a number of different image file types to form your background , and may , indeed , find that you prefer to work on backgrounds in another package altogether , and bring them into the Background Editor only to convert them to the Device Independent Bitmap ( DIB ) format that is native to the package .
8 Pedro Fernández Dittus was not , however , required to spend time in detention but merely to present himself to the authorities once a week .
9 ‘ If you 've nothing to tell me , ’ he said at last , ‘ perhaps you will be good enough to direct me to the Friends ’ Meeting House ? ’
10 Ten minutes later the staff began to arrive and at nine o'clock Fred Workman walked in to introduce me to the staff and show me around the building .
11 The grip on her arm did n't hurt , exactly , but it was firm enough to rivet her to the spot .
12 Why not , the mandarins decided , invite a few of our foreign friends over to reintroduce them to The True path .
13 Her two sons had watched the scene from a distance and were soon to report it to the authorities .
14 The University 's approach to financial planning ( as has been explained on previous occasions ) is essentially conservative , in that its systems are aimed at forecasting what funds will be available during the planning period and deciding how best to apply them to the academic priorities already identified .
15 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
16 I was absolutely determined not to expose myself to the sort of pain that love can bring . ’
17 The campaign has been given additional clout this weekend , with referees under instruction to dismiss instantly anyone guilty of head-high tackles on or off the ball , and not to send them to the sin-bin where they have gone too often in the past .
18 I truly did mean just to ride him to the nearest hamlet .
19 I say this because if you raise any objections to the contents of the report we may choose not to disclose it to the other side .
20 Erm just to refer you to the last sentence , paragraph four three , er to assure members of the Committee that those er representation whether the erm application .
21 He said : ‘ It is my policy not to say anything to the press . ’
22 At this stage , your object is to try to stop any further movement of the needle , NOT to return it to the centre .
23 You must have that " something extra " — not just to make it to the top but to get employed in the first place .
24 Looking forward to the circus , but could I ask you not to throw me to the lions until I 've got my accounts in order ?
25 In my prime I shifted my weight onto the front foot as the bowler approached the crease , being careful though not to commit myself to the front foot .
26 They had n't disappeared simply because she had chosen not to reveal them to the world .
27 She was about to say something when he turned away to introduce himself to the girl on his right .
28 I had never heard of river engineers until one morning a very harassed engineer rang to ask me to persuade the lady in question not to tie herself to the ancient pollard which he intended to fell .
29 I reported promptly , and his secretary appeared almost at once to conduct me to the presence .
30 ‘ The first impulse of every critic of postmodernism ’ , Ihab Hassan recently suggested , ‘ is still to relate it to the semanteme it contains : namely , modernism ’ ( Hassan 1987a : 214 ) .
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