Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [conj] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , I shall not try to determine what kind of phenomenon consciousness is ; the task here is rather to see whether the machine analogy can give us a way of talking about it , whatever it is .
2 If an aggravation occurs i.e. an intensification of the original symptoms , at the end of treatment , then the doses must be reduced in quantity and repeated at longer intervals , or stopped altogether to see if the symptoms will continue to disappear by themselves .
3 They were the merchants , traders and businessmen of the north-east Mediterranean coast who had most to lose if the Shias could establish themselves in the economic life of the Levant .
4 Hours later an investigation involving firemen and police was going on to see if the fire was arson .
5 He switched on to see if the set was still working .
6 ‘ An ’ the bastard even went on to confirm that the bombs are set on time fuses , just sufficient to allow him an' his staff to escape , but not enough to allow them to be de-activated , or to evacuate the ordinary members from the building … an' most of them are just kids . ’
7 Plekhanov next goes on to claim that the character traits of individuals , whether causally efficacious or not , are ‘ accidents ’ in relation to ‘ the historical destiny of nations ’ .
8 A leader in the Times Higher Education Supplement called the plan to abolish the ILEA ‘ a disgraceful measure that plainly verges on maladministration ’ , and went on to claim that the abolition ‘ will set back education in London for a generation ’ .
9 The report goes on to claim that the people could only be taught " thrift and prudence " by men who would actually associate with them , thereby ensuring that the influence of " the imperishable youth of Oxford " would " induce them to face the elementary laws of economics . "
10 Halliday goes on to claim that the theme of the whole novel , in a way , is " transitivity " : the linguistic pattern of choices realizes a primitive pattern of cognition , which in turn is the key to the tragic vision of the novel .
11 ( 30 January - 3 February 1768 ) Leopold went on to report that the Emperor had in fact suggested that Mozart write an opera :
12 Here is Collimore Phillips down the right flank he was offside that was unlucky from Forest 's point of view and Collimore dumped to the ground when he played the ball away then and er he 's just holding er his shin just above his ankle there and Cooper is still in trouble from that er shoulder he injured moments ago Cooper 's all right to continue and the Forest physio Graham Myers busy treating Collimore .
13 Similarly there is no assumption that repeated use of a ruler in 4c is more demanding than single use of it in 4b , but this and similar instances need to be examined empirically to see if the task differences concerned are also difficulty factors .
14 Almost everyone has a story to tell about dream incorporation — for instance dreaming about Arctic exploration only to wake up and find that the covers have slipped off and he is freezing cold , or dreaming of bells ringing only to wake up eventually to find that the alarm clock has been clattering for the last few minutes .
15 Michael 's lawyers have complained in a High Court writ that the label 's right to reject his work is unreasonable and the legal action goes on to allege that the distribution of profits from his albums ‘ Faith ’ and ‘ Listen Without Prejudice Vol 1 ’ was unfair .
16 Briault and West went on to comment that the headteachers in two of their studies gave a good deal of attention to the process through which individual teachers can change themselves .
17 But crucially , although oppressive confessions may be ruled out , the Act goes on to provide that the fact ‘ that a confession is wholly or partly excluded … shall not affect the admissibility in evidence of any facts discovered as a result of the confession ’ .
18 Garrett goes on to indicate that the harm may not only be physical , but may include mental and social suffering such as neglect ( withholding , e.g. food , fluid , washing facilities , or overmedicating ) ; exploitation ( often financial — misappropriation of pension , savings , jewellery ) ; psychological abuse ( ridicule , humiliation , removal of decision-making ) ; and even sexual abuse including rape , and not always against female elderly .
19 The number of safety advisers working in the field in SWWA 's region was reduced from six to two after a visit from the government 's ‘ flying accountants ’ , brought in to see that the Authority met its ‘ performance aims ’ after financial cuts in 1980 .
20 The debtor remains in a sense owner ; he has a new sort of equitable ownership , ‘ an equity of redemption ’ , which he is only to lose after the court has given him ample opportunity to repay , and it becomes plain to the court that he can not or will not pay .
21 One more adventurous boy decided to explore the overgrown slope behind the hut and he was pushing his way through the undergrowth when he caught sight of a figure approaching the hut further down the slope ; the boy was close enough to see that the figure was that of a tramp wearing tattered clothing and crowned with a battered trilby hat .
22 Fortunately I was n't close enough to see whether the prediction was correct , or if the beaker was in fact too small .
23 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
24 Pound says , in effect : ‘ If your French is n't good enough to go where the quality is both defined ( metaphorically ) and exemplified , i.e. in Gautier 's ‘ L'art ’ specifically and in his Emaux et Camées as a whole , or in the work of followers like Hérédia and Samain , then remind yourself , or re-experience , what it is like to read George Herbert and Christina Rossetti and Lionel Johnson .
25 We may surely placate the shade of Max Beerbohm sufficiently to acknowledge that the danger we run in approaching poetry this way is indeed the danger of one sort of professionalism — specialized and therefore blinkered , inflexible , and humourless .
26 The correspondent , however , was sage enough to emphasise that the relationship was far from causal .
27 But most teachers with amorous intent are wise enough to wait until the girls are in the sixth form .
28 merely to agree that the Secretary of State is always right .
29 Note 2.4.4 The rather pedantic observation that ( ab ) c = a(bc) is included here only to emphasise that the associativity of unc depends heavily on that of .
30 When applications that year were made , Lauda and others were smart enough to realize that the licences had been so designed as to tie them to their teams , a move cleverly designed by certain constructors to lower the price war among drivers and to prevent desertions in the ranks .
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