Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
2 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
3 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
4 ‘ We 're all fine , there 's no damage to the building and we 've been able to continue broadcasting without interruption , ’ she assured him , her voice sharp as resentment rose , and she went on to inform him of the decision she had taken .
5 It was he who went on to train me to the point where I could begin to set in motion a way to extract revenge from the blanc nations , and ensure that no one would so betray us again .
6 ‘ If you would n't mind coming along to light us on the way back ?
7 But when Alice was taken in to see her on the second day , she was sitting up in a swansdown wrap , surrounded by flowers .
8 At one of our constituency surgeries , a retired widow came in to see us concerning the seventeen pounds extra which she would have to pay extra er to cover the other non-payments .
9 ‘ Yes , ’ she said , again , as though it were the most reasonable thing in the world , but she saw that her mother looked worried , and that doubtless Papa was behaving as he did because he had been worried about her , his darling , whom he had sent away from him , only to lose her in a foreign country — for that was what Britain was .
10 For the past two years The Fellow , who is half a thoroughbred , half trotter , has come to the final fence with Europe 's classic steeplechase seemingly won , only to lose it by a whisker on the run-in .
11 It was easy enough to spot them in the distance if they were in a clearing on the mountainside , but extremely difficult to detect them as Abdullahi and I approached through a tangle of giant heath that rose far above our heads .
12 The fact that it was profoundly a work of synthesis was obviously much less important at first , and may even seem not very important now , as one settles down to enjoy it for the first or umpteenth time .
13 Merely to connect her with the Battle of Trafalgar liquefied him a little further because it moved him .
14 Certainly the Gulf Stream is quite strong enough to carry them across the Atlantic to the shores of Europe .
15 Time enough and soon enough to greet them in the morning 's light when the men would have said their prayers and the womenfolk would have been to Mass and a stranger with a fiddle might be a welcome diversion from the day 's chores .
16 ‘ She had spirit enough to fling herself from the tower to be free of you .
17 that 's almost certainly enough to nail it to the floor I would have thought .
18 A great big THANK YOU to all of the Clothes Show Live visitors that popped along to see us at the N.E.C.
19 Of great importance was the real incentive to [ Bunn ] not only to dis-embarrass himself of a thoroughly unsatisfactory debtor by getting a guarantee secured by a charge on a registered property , but also of producing a satisfactory answer to the awkward interest being shown by those at London Head Office .
20 ‘ How I loathe people who raise one 's hopes , only to dash them to the ground ! ’
21 Ultimately , the urge to move on that afflicted so many media people , and Florian more severely than most , would demand satisfaction , but she suspected that Luke would be shrewd enough to tempt him with an offer of his choice of all the other stations in which he had an interest .
22 Still not enough to tempt you from the tourist route ?
23 To follow the close-up of the pre-headed letter , the first shot should show all the performers together to establish them in the setting .
24 Be able to make a load and strong enough to pitch it into the stack , that was the problem .
25 Supposing , however , the defence has to cope with attackers pushing up just far enough to catch them on the turn and stay onside .
26 You 've been clever enough to catch me in a honeytrap partly of my own making !
27 After a few weeks , Mr Sowerberry decided that he liked Oliver 's appearance enough to train him in the undertaking business .
28 Heady stuff , and to reject it outright with a condescending intellectual leer would have felt like a return trip down the chute into futility ; but now , with the radio offering a bleaker view of things , I was less certain why I 'd agreed so eagerly to meet him in the library of the Hall this morning .
29 A talkative Bruce Willis dropped me outside the London flat fifteen minutes later ( you can assess the situation on the way upstairs ) , and Kenneth came down to meet me at the door .
30 The fact that such an occupation was un-likely to provide him with a living did nothing to deter him .
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