Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even if a wife were expressly to agree to sexual intercourse on demand , such a promise would not in English law be contractually binding upon her .
2 But this common-carrier principle has produced little such trade because negotiations were soon bogged down in technical committees full of engineers from the very monopolies that stood most to lose from cross-border competition .
3 Heating water etc. to cope with large quantities of laundry made for a periodic need to bring in extra labour over that maintained in the household .
4 Nick warmed up his caddie career from 1971 to 1974 carrying Archer 's bag , and then moved on to work for Australian Bruce Crampton until 1977 , when he moved on to another Australian , Graham Marsh .
5 A considerable number of Remploy workers do move on to work in open conditions but many remain semi-permanently in the sheltered environment .
6 May the author once again intrude upon whatever mood his narrative might have established long enough to report on current events ? ’
7 Trotting confidently out of his burrow into a jungly , prehistoric world , he is rescued by bats from slimy , groping creatures , only to fall into cavernous waters and swim out to sea , from where he is plucked by a vulture-like bird whose hungry chicks he has ‘ fun ’ avoiding before tumbling safely home .
8 From that moment they have gone from strength to strength and last year reached the final of the Pilkington Cup only to lose in extra time .
9 He 's probably a prosperous American businessman prosperous enough to go to international conventions : try all the American and international reference books in our library then the London Library .
10 This makes it well suited to road use while it is still sturdy enough to cope with bumpy paths and tracks .
11 It is recommended that your database is large enough to cope with current LIFESPAN data plus an allocation for future data .
12 The bandwidth of such a system is wide enough to cope with high-definition television which requires around 30 MHz , instead of 8 MHz , per channel .
13 Behaviourists , for example , want only to treat of overt behaviour as the data for psychological research and this is as much a theoretical specification of what , for them , is to count as data as experience and meaning are for non-behaviourists .
14 does she agree that there 's something bizarre in er I certainly agree successful experiment it bringing to an end because it 's a successful experiment , er clearly the policy is only to continue with unsuccessful experiments .
15 Many fewer people leave school at 16 than did when the examinations were introduced ; and more every year are being encouraged to stay at school or to leave only to go to sixth-form college , college of further education , or wherever else they may receive education that will lead to a higher accreditation .
16 As the year progresses it is hoped that companies will begin to feel confident enough to invest in new production and distribution facilities but the construction of new offices will remain subdued reflecting the stock of vacant buildings which still exist .
17 I decided that I had not come all this way only to indulge in polite conversation .
18 There seems a good chance that a range of hydrocarbons from oil to dry gas could have been generated ( given suitable source material ) from some parts of the Carboniferous sequence after the Variscan orogeny , both in the hanging and footwall ; the range of possible depths is great enough to compensate for anticipated differences in temperature gradient .
19 It gives you the opportunity , not only to concentrate on legal work , but also to learn about management and the way institutions work .
20 John Müeller had come to London from Nürnberg , had changed his name to Miller and settled down to work in close collaboration with Philip Miller at Chelsea .
21 The ultimate insult had been thrown at him : he , the Maître Auguste Didier , had been obliged , nay commanded , not only to appear in Dickensian dress but to don the unmistakable apparel of Alexis Soyer : tight white drill trousers , matching tunic , short jacket , ridiculous cummerbund , slotted into which was his own kitchen knife ( no doubt for a speedy self-martyrdom after the imminent disaster of this meal ) and , worse , the horror on his head .
22 The UK Government offers Overseas Research Student(ORS) awards annually to provide for partial remission of fees to overseas postgraduate students of outstanding merit and research potential who are studying for research degrees .
23 Muslim weavers who had emigrated from India and Turkoman weavers from the north were brought together to work in large weaving centres in Karachi and Lahore .
24 Austrians view markets as a spontaneous social order that arises naturally to provide for beneficial exchanges .
25 As can be the case with such creative minds , many of the ideas are regarded as crazy , but occasionally one is crazy enough to lead to real breakthroughs .
26 We believe first of all the shock troops of the Labour Movement , the Radicals within the Liberal Party , the forces who want peace and not to become doormats for Hitler and Chamberlain to walk upon , and the members of the Left Book Club — have all to engage in organised effort to bring about Unity .
27 In attempting to deal with the observable and measurable aspects of leadership behaviour , and perhaps to simplify for normative purposes , leadership research has focused on a narrow set of styles — democratic , autocratic , and laissez-faire , for example .
28 Before the land bridge to North America emerged above the waters once again they had been isolated long enough to evolve as New World monkeys whose modern descendants walk on all fours and many of whom have prehensile tails .
29 Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise Only to wonder at unlawful things , Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits , To practise more than heavenly power permits .
30 The move could force the city of Albuquerque to spend US$250 million cleaning up its water waste so that the Rio Grande is clean enough to drink in religious ceremonies when it reaches Isleta Pueblo , 20 kilometres downstream from the city .
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