Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [prep] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 It is all to do with progress for progress ' sake .
2 When Father died , he left us both enough to live in comfort for the rest of our lives , regardless of our husbands ’ support .
3 Somehow , we drew strength from each other , enough to stave off death for a little while longer .
4 He must have wondered what the outcome of it all would be , though he was not to remain in doubt for much longer .
5 Scientists monitoring the level of solar radiation have warned people not to sunbathe without protection for more than forty minutes .
6 5.9.1 Not to hold on trust for another or ( save pursuant to a transaction permitted by and effected in accordance with the provisions of this Lease ) part with the possession of the whole or any part of the Premises or permit another to occupy the whole or any part of the Premises
7 If he thought instant bankruptcy would result from such disclosures , he must be no less earnest to become a bankrupt for the just advantage of his creditors than he would have been resolute not to fail by collusion for the purpose of defrauding them .
8 Thus , in an early essay , she writes : ‘ I affirm that the intentionality of biblical faith … is neither to create nor to perpetuate patriarchy but rather to function as salvation for both women and men . ’
9 ENGLAND swept aside defending champions Ireland at Hoylake yesterday to stay on course for their first men 's amateur Home International title for four years .
10 Jim Hegan , one of the three , says of the day he was convicted : ‘ Everything that I was brought up to believe in respect for law and order and the RUCwas shattered .
11 The young person who , unfortunately , reaches the age of 16 after July 2 has now to return to school for another year and will be almost 17 years of age whenever they leave .
12 I trudged up to the camp-site again , to find that there was no need even to look for driftwood for a fire .
13 ( b ) If a party should be dilatory in providing his certificate of readiness , the correct procedure is not to complain to the court but simply to apply on notice for a hearing date to be fixed .
14 It consists of a boat-like main hull and two outrigger pontoons , or sideswimmers , which are lifted hydraulically to rest on top for road travel and which are extended and lowered to the sides for stability on the water .
15 They are generally operated on a fixed cycle , so that , when a known volume of water has passed through the plant , a valve is turned so as first to backwash the bed to cleanse the zeolite , and then to pass in brine for a fixed time to regenerate the material .
16 Penry looked as though he was about to burst into speech for a moment , then his face set in the familiar harsh lines , and without another word he turned on his heel and made for his sanctum , slamming the door behind him .
17 I 'M getting married in less than two months and I want to lose about a stone before then to get in shape for the big day .
18 Glassworms are more commonly found in still waters where the larvae can hover horizontally to lay in wait for prey .
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