Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] [verb] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 He can do no better than argue that it involves apprehending things simultaneously rather than in succession though he does not explain how the successful mystic can transcend the limits of the magic number seven , which most psychologists agree is the maximum number of entities that can simultaneously be held before the mind .
2 But if , as seems increasingly likely , Mr Clinton will soon tell Congress and the public that American fighting men will have to be sent to Bosnia , he will have to do better than say that he has thought things over carefully .
3 To make swifter unity on West German terms more attractive to East Germans , Mr Kohl has all but promised that their savings will be converted , over time , from Monopoly-money Ostmarks into rock-ribbed D-marks at the ridiculously unrealistic rate of 1:1 .
4 There is another duty also to be considered : and that is the duty which Lord Atkin put in this wise : ‘ You must not injure your neighbour : ’ which I would expand so as to say that there is a duty on every man not to injure his neighbour by his want of reasonable care .
5 The royals take an obscure pride in their penny-pinching , details of which are leaked to the press from time to time so as to suggest that they are , in fact , just like us .
6 It was generally believed that they were proposing to seek an electoral pact with the Conservatives , so as to ensure that they would hold their seats against what was expected to be a Conservative landslide at the next general election .
7 South Africa 's reply has been to attack transport and economic installations that link the neighbours so as to ensure that they remain dependent on South Africa .
8 Groups such as Families Against Intimidation and Terror , the Newry hostage support group , Enough is Enough , the Peace Train Movement and New Consensus in Northern Ireland are standing up against the people of violence so as to ensure that there is another approach and a different tactic .
9 Such an order may be made so as to ensure that there is a home for the children of the marriage .
10 This required taking such steps as arranging the candidate 's schedule so as to ensure that he arrived at campaign stops in time for coverage on the nightly news .
11 Section 2 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1986 amends s. 6(4) of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 so as to provide that it is unlawful for a person to discriminate against a woman :
12 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
13 So when mentioned that she still had 4 tickets left , I took the plunge and said yes we would be interested .
14 Rather than concluding that I had been too radical in Opposition , I fast came to the view 1 had been too cautious .
15 She knew rather than felt that she was very tired and recognized the symptoms of an overstimulated brain in an exhausted body , the restless limbs and inability to get comfortable .
16 There 's a great deal of theological thinking of a very different kind going on outside Europe in the Third World , in Latin America and Africa , in India — the place where we used to think we sent our understanding of God for the heathen to be converted to it , and we 're beginning to have to listen to those places and to receive what they have to give us , rather than thinking that it 's all settled in our patch of the world .
17 But before we move from discussing the lower levels of language — words , phrases , grammatical categories — to talking about the text as a unit of meaning , it would perhaps be useful to explain briefly what a text is and why we identify a given stretch of language as a text rather than assume that it is a set of unrelated words and sentences .
18 Just as the pure scientist , from his [ or her ] early training , absolves himself [ or herself ] from the uses to which his [ or her ] discoveries are put , rather than seeing that the discoveries themselves are inescapably linked to an economy on which he [ or she ] depends for support , so the applied scientist accepts that others define the goals that he [ or she ] has to achieve rather than seeing that his [ or her ] own means or technology itself presupposes a social order , set of priorities or goals .
19 It insists upon lumping the whole of reality together as a single ‘ thing ’ or ‘ system ’ like a body , rather than recognising that it is more a collection of different things , a network of interrelated but separate systems , animate and inanimate , that can not be welded together into one ‘ thing ’ .
20 It recognized that there was a National Health Service and a private sector and , rather than arguing that one should be taken over by the other , proposed sensible cooperation between them for the benefit of patients .
21 The decisions are often the outcome of sometimes terribly bitter quarrels , and frequently the guardians of them suffer and die , rather than deny that they are good .
22 In general the Paris negotiators were keen to emphasise solutions to the national minority problem of eastern Europe , rather than reveal that their main aim was the creation and resurrection of neighbour-states to control and limit German power and influence .
23 Traditional civil-law interpretation would say that it is : the words amount to a demonstratio rather than a causa ; the testator is suggesting a means of satisfying the liability under trust rather than indicating that it is to arise only if the estate of Gaius Seius is entered .
24 She was determined he should qualify as a doctor and just as determined that he should practise here .
25 We shall examine each of these four claims separately though recognising that they are inter-related and that there are also other claims for the undermining effects of social policy on economic growth — the poverty trap and its damage to incentives , the encouragement of a general attitude favouring leisure and pleasure rather than work and saving , the lack of enthusiasm generated for profit in a welfare state , and so on .
26 This will more than insure that she can continue to live in the style she 's enjoyed since her marriage .
27 It quoted a Polish couple who arrived in Hungary yesterday as saying that they were in a large shop on the main square when two or three thousand people began chanting anti-Ceausescu slogans outside .
28 The findings from this were accepted both by Nether Wyresdale PC and Wyre BC as showing that there is a need for affordable housing in the village .
29 It quoted him as saying that " if the Iraqis had given a positive response to our call sooner , the situation would be different now " , but also as adding that it had become " evident " that " the USA and its allies are pursuing wider aims than Iraq 's withdrawal from Kuwait " .
30 Our playmates swam quietly to the edge of the pool , while Lorne and I began to climb out until signalled that we could remain in the water if we wished .
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