Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] them into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Again from Australia had come Sister May Kenny with her method of nursing the child incessantly in the arms , massaging the withering limbs and gently lowering them into warm water .
2 Coleridge was not only a willing listener to Southey 's ideas , but was soon developing them into grand and Utopian principles during long hours spent in Oxford ‘ disputing on metaphysical subjects ’ .
3 They won one , in South Paddington , and cost official Conservative candidates the seat in several more , often driving them into third place .
4 The report deal deals with a fair detail and concentration and then on page four this the erm main results of the different elements of the result and though grouping them into those had high levels of sport er to those that were where now the officers and a I think that if you could see that er er there was a considerable census for those from the officer part of the .
5 It was normal practice to live at home with one 's parents until marriage ( and women who did not marry usually continued to live with parents , often supporting them into old age , see below ) .
6 Then I destroyed them , sometimes tearing them into little strips , sometimes burning them .
7 It is wiser to undertake this systematically by booking out copies of the originals from LIFESPAN and then reconstituting them into new modules as required .
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