Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He retained the Treasurership , but died within a few weeks of his retirement thereby bringing to a sudden end a lifetime 's service to deaf people .
2 It looks as if Mr Honecker , 77 and only slowly recovering from a gall-bladder operation , is incapable of grasping the situation in his country .
3 A queue had formed by the table holding the teacakes and a crowd gathered to watch the animal sacrifice slowly rotating on a giant spit .
4 ‘ In the majority of the villages occupied during the sieges of Newark , there are traces of the earthworks thrown up by the besiegers , most consisting of a few eroded banks or ditches . ’
5 Or would it be a sign of still greater maturity for their staff to go on contributing to a national system , a system in which the collaboration of the entire academic community could raise standards higher and judge quality more surely ?
6 A new means-tested superannuation scheme was announced to replace the existing guaranteed retirement income — thereby reneging upon a National Party election promise — the age of entitlement lifted progressively from 60 to 65 years .
7 Besides contributing to a deeper comprehension of the function of to , this study has also led to a fuller understanding of the role of the category of person in the infinitive .
8 And their arousal is so intense that if the owl finally departs they will still go on mobbing for a long while afterwards , as though they can not calm down to a normal level of activity until some considerable time has passed .
9 These redundancies are necessary if we are to maintain the business and carry on trading as a viable operation , ’ he said .
10 Murdoch McKillop , joint receiver from accountants Arthur Andersen , said the 1,600 job losses at the five UK plants had to made ‘ to maintain the business and carry on trading as a viable operation ’ .
11 It would appear they carried on trading from a different address some time beyond that date , though exactly when they stopped has yet to be established .
12 Inside FI , it was known that Emerson could have gone on driving for a major team and many thought it a pity that he had not stuck to doing what he knew best .
13 Besides laughing with a comforting or gratifying sense of superiority when confronted with pictures of the incompetence of figures who the readers may recognize as representing their fellow men , the readers may also be regarded , she suggests , as laughing at common humankind and thus also ( unconsciously ) at themselves .
14 Watching the Trooper disappear up the road , I reckon it could go on trooping for a long time yet at the right price , with very little needing doing .
15 Establishments were obviously catering for a different market in the evening , and it can be assumed that customers were prepared to spend more time and to pay more for a different ‘ meal experience ’ .
16 Another way to get the flavour of Japan , but requiring a little more courage than merely eating in a local café , is to stay in a Japanese-style hotel .
17 She stopped , suddenly drowning in a confused , illogical longing to confide in this man , and wishing with all her heart that she was n't so terrified of the consequences .
18 17.64 At age 11 , the same requirements should apply , but with the addition of two short timed tasks , one perhaps consisting of a factual account or description and the other of a short imaginative piece of prose .
19 Metaphorically , we can imagine theoretical astronomers breathing a sigh of relief and saying ‘ Oh , so the Sun is only shrinking by a tenth of a second of arc per century , not a full arc second after all .
20 ( This exchange system enabled some universities to establish very large collections of theses , but it was very costly , since it depended on the production of multiple copies of theses , and the practise was only operating in a small number of American universities by the start of Worl War II .
21 Due to the pilot nature of the scheme it is only operating in a few selected areas initially , which is why your parish has not been contacted .
22 This was an entirely false statement , obviously damaging to a thriving professional musician .
23 Either way he or she returns to disturb the heterosexual norm , especially in its masculine form , and does so according to a psychic and/or social dynamic which is intrinsically perverse : deviance emerges from the terms of its exclusion , eventually undermining that of which it was initially an effect , and which depended upon its exclusion .
24 And you only have to see a police uniform through the door to feel racked with guilt , even though you 've done nothing wrong and he 's only looking for a lost cat .
25 I do find that most people who come out here on short contracts are only looking for a paid holiday .
26 As we have said , couples are engaged in a kind of dance , moving towards each other and then drawing apart , constantly searching for a comfortable balance in their relationship .
27 South-East Gully can be entered from a lower point , so dispensing with a few feet of scrambling above the climbs .
28 Such groups may cohere together according to a wide variety of principles , e.g. by identification with a particular locality , a particular herd of livestock , a particular parcel of seed ( annually replaced ) , a particular lineage name transmitted from parent to child , and 50 on .
29 Total , or , elsewhere , global , history assumes a spatio-temporal continuity between all phenomena , and a certain homogeneity between them insofar as they all express the same form of historicity — Althusser 's essential section — whereas in general history the problem is precisely to determine the relation between different series : whereas a total history draws everything together according to a single principle , a general history analyses the space of dispersion and heterogeneous temporalities .
30 Perhaps going for a moonlit swim before making love under the stars .
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