Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 But , though statistics are objective icons for the disinterested observer — or powerfully distorting tools for the polemicist — once in a while a particular set of figures will leap from the page of some dust-dry tome to offer up an image more illuminating than all of a dozen reports like those in the bibliography relating to this chapter .
2 At any rate , Bloch 's work is exciting , with long singing lines for the solo instrument over a rich orchestral texture , well coloured by brass and percussive timpani .
3 Although widely described as boat people , a large number of the January arrivals had made most of the journey to Hong Kong aboard Chinese buses , only boarding boats for the last leg of their journey .
4 Mrs Oliver also said that since receiving her machine as a birthday present last year , she has become totally ‘ hooked ’ , is already producing garments for the family and ca n't think why she did n't buy a machine years ago .
5 ‘ But clearly , although they are not producing computers for the same sector of the market place , they are both manufacturing plants . ’
6 He felt that if they could make travelling at night dangerous , the enemy would be forced to move in daylight , thus becoming targets for the RAF .
7 And the IRFU did nothing for its cause by not awarding caps for the matches against Canada and the United States and by refusing to pay the players the regulation daily allowance because the tour was one day short of the stipulated duration .
8 According to Reuter , he is known on Wall Street for his prowess as a cost-cutter and an asset-seller , a reputation that is likely to cause consternation among IBM employees already facing lay-offs for the first time in the company 's history .
9 In these circumstances , the benefits to the individual ( or firm ) outweigh the costs of detection , thus providing incentives for the use of inside information .
10 Grateful to the minister for that reply but would he not agree with me that where local authorities erm local chambers of commerce and trades councils er and his own department of employment , are already working well together with good small initiatives , to put upon them English Estates , TECs , British coal enterprise er is in fact to do precisely what he does not advocate to make a mushrooming of bureaucracy and will he not undertake to evaluate these initiative to see if they really do work or whether they 're just providing jobs for the boys .
11 Wells ( 1986 ) discusses the nurse 's role as a patient advocate — not making decisions for the patient but ensuring that no one usurps the needs , rights and humanity of the patient — and in ‘ Ethics and information ’ discusses the potential difficulties ; he sees a place for the nurse as the patient 's advocate in certain circumstances .
12 Dr Kanter is not making allowances for the disparity in actual numbers , ’ he says .
13 This joint venture with British Nuclear Fuels is already receiving orders for the fuel to be used in thermal reactors . ’
14 H but how I mean how would you For example l like the the interviewing further interviewing skills for the performance .
15 I mean as , as a , the fact is that , like providing services for the young people is legally the responsibility for Es of Essex County Council .
16 They 're always buying things for the home .
17 If anyone else fancies joining us ( and possibly sharing cars for the rest of the trip ) we are meeting probably just outside Winchester , then driving in to Soton .
18 Billy Hamilton , who retired from Rentokil several years ago , [ formerly working with Pest Control in Belfast and still collecting debts for the company ] has become one of the first people in Northern Ireland to be presented with a commemorative medal from the Soviet authorities .
19 ’ Whilst we are still discussing offers for the shares it would be unproductive to hold a full AGM . ’
20 If all goes well , you may eventually sign an agency deal so that you have someone booking your gigs and possibly arranging tours for the band .
21 Besides providing homes for the newcomers to the city , these estates have been occupied by people moving out of the old city centre and out of some of the older terraced houses .
22 Russianization was pointless while they kept the lower orders in their place and went on providing generals for the Russian army .
23 The government was also pursuing plans for the increased privatization of state-owned enterprises .
24 With this new selective breeding analogy , domestic races , as adaptations , are also providing analogies for the formation of wild species as ancient and perfectly adapted races .
25 Cleveland county councillor Mr Keith Legg said that ‘ sensible and prudent budgeting ’ meant the county council had come very close to estimating the actual pay rise when drawing up spending plans for the coming financial year .
26 Meanwhile , under the careful eye of the housekeeper , the servants were busily making preparations for the master 's homecoming .
27 Finally , as in England , the MSC in Wales , together with the further education colleges , is busily making preparations for the introduction in September 1983 of the Youth Training Scheme , a programme which will greatly increase the pressure on the colleges , to provide suitable courses of further education .
28 The opendays are also raising funds for the Henry Doubleday Research Association .
29 The UN Secretary-General , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , held talks in Tehran with President Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Vellayati on Sept. 10-13 , primarily on the implementation of UN Resolution 598 ending the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war [ see pp. 35600 ; 36568-70 ] , but reportedly also covering terms for the release of Western hostages still held in Lebanon .
30 Gordon , whose eldest son is a final year apprentice at the Preston site , is now seeking sponsors for the trip and added : ‘ It is a very worthwhile cause and I would be delighted to hear from anyone who can help . ’
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