Example sentences of "[adv] [v-ing] [prep] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That was where Luch silently led Marion Maclean , slowly recovering from her shock during the four-mile walk .
2 And she went forward as if some irresistible force , slowly gathering behind her back , had suddenly erupted and hurled her against him .
3 With that she carried on walking with her father .
4 She was awoken , what seemed only minutes later , by a heavy weight suddenly landing on her chest .
5 He was constantly interfering in her life , lecturing her , ordering her about .
6 You 're only looking at her body !
7 stoutly denied by Herr Nordern , strange gluts of — equally stoutly defended by him , memorable meals of the past , the coming party , and , although Omi barely spoke a word , sitting silently , merely picking at her meal , Karl kept up a lively alert manner which belied his years .
8 Anyway , I 'm only passing on her message .
9 When the carriage stopped at Langley Dene , the butler seemed more deferential as he opened the door and Mrs Langley , instead of merely rising from her chair , came half way across the drawing-room to welcome Alexandra .
10 She did not actually remember herself as talking the whole of the time — could there have been silent passages when the words were only reeling through her mind ?
11 Then , head bent , she was hurrying back to the villa , suddenly knowing in her heart what had to be done .
12 As this thing got near the end obviously making for her side , away from the door , she realised what the round blob was — ; it was the nub of the umbrella they had bought their daughter .
13 At the hall cupboard she stopped , taking a deep steadying breath to calm the currents suddenly eddying through her body .
14 But she was still only playing with her food like a bored baby .
15 She got quite enough teasing about her name without letting on about her all-too-appropriate birth-date — and her parents ' hasty marriage was hardly his concern .
16 She had spent the evening smouldering with resentment after his callous dismissal of her father 's death , but now the biblical phrases Luke had employed earlier were suddenly hammering at her brain and heightening her agitation , although she suspected that she was playing into his hands by allowing them to do so .
17 But by this time there was something very obviously missing from her play .
18 And now she concentrated the whole of her mind and her brain and her will up into her eyes and once again but much more quickly than before she felt the electricity gathering and the power was beginning to surge and the hotness was coming into the eyeballs , and then the millions of tiny invisible arms with hands on them were shooting out towards the glass , and without making any sound at all she kept on shouting inside her head for the glass to go over .
19 A large woman who is not apologising for her size is certainly not a figure to invite the dominant meanings which our culture attaches to femininity .
20 Later she wondered if he was counting on her not sticking to her resolution .
21 ‘ That 's my fault , naturally ! ’ she snapped , not halting in her step , but knowing that if Travis had gone to get plastered , as was probably true , it was not on account of her .
22 There was one member whose sight was so bad that when she read she not only had to prop a second pair of spectacles on top of the pair already resting on her nose , but also had to stand under the standard lamp almost pressed against the light bulb .
23 We have a small group already praying for her protection and have seen our prayers answered .
24 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
25 She might well have owned that it was the other way round and that Rosemary 's husband had been the one to do the leaving , Leith realised , when her mother retorted , ‘ Well , she 's not living at her flat , is she ?
26 ‘ Many people thought she could leave off as she liked ’ , and others ‘ slandered and reproved her ’ for not looking after her home and children .
27 On catching sight of me she threw up her head , and as I was not looking in her direction she stood stock still , as these animals have a habit of doing when they are under the impression that they have not been seen .
28 She waved to him but he was not looking in her direction .
29 The tip of the envelope was just protruding from her bag .
30 Maura closed her eyes , a knot of fear already forming in her stomach .
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