Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] for [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Such bids are regularly submitted but only account for a very small amount of stock allotted .
2 The garden at Snowshill Manor is on a small enough scale for a totally organic approach to be feasible , but this is not the case with many of the Trust 's larger gardens where chemicals are still employed .
3 Such memory differences appear instead to be limited to the single arousing item and not appear for the immediately following ones although general physiological arousal would be expected to still be present .
4 They were not creative artists but they were and still remain for the most part arbiters of technique and the niceties of perfect performance .
5 We will deal only with self-excited instabilities , but predictions of chaos also exist for the more complex case where the injected signal , or the pumping rate , are modulated .
6 The theories considered so far deal for the most part with major changes in the form of society , but it is evident that there are more continuous , relatively small-scale changes which affect political life .
7 In fact mounting excitement sweeps him along impetuously enough to make you even wish for a little more restraint .
8 Bobby Robson was there to assess World Cup candidates , but nothing positive emerged from 90 minutes of scuffling that made one almost yearn for the more measured boredom of Rangers ' European Cup exit in Munich three days earlier .
9 He said consumers would handle various conventional materials such as cotton , and Tencel garments , and then opt for the more expensive Tencel version .
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