Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [prep] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's only one of every person .
2 Japan , in second place , sold just 0.71 for every person .
3 Especially in maths I could n't stand the competitiveness of seeing the ‘ clever boy ’ ( there 's always one in every class ! ) do the exercises miles before everyone else and understanding things quicker than everybody which just reinforced the idea that I did n't have a ‘ mathematical brain' .
4 MORE than 52 million single records were sold in Britain last year , nearly one for every man , woman and child in the country .
5 There are 800 churches — about 44 for every village .
6 However , the creation of a new agricultural bourgeoisie in almost one of every country of non-communist lesser developed countries , as a result of the Green Revolution , has assured a self-generating demand or induced innovations of a particular type , which encourages both larger surpluses and mechanisation .
7 THE BLACKMAILER : The biggest health hazard of them all — there is at least one in every family .
8 In this version of LIFESPAN RDBI the maximum number of mappings that should ever be specified is 301 i.e. one for every user specified at the USER ACCESS , MODULE ACCESS and DC ACCESS keywords and one for the Manager .
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