Example sentences of "[adv] [num] [noun] every [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Government talk about competition , but what chance is there for competition in rural areas where there is perhaps only one bus every hour , or every two or three hours ?
2 If he was working for only two days every week it would be ten weeks before he began to make a profit .
3 A DO-IT-YOURSELF narrow gauge railway raises steam for just one month every summer along one of Britain 's most famous light railway trackbeds … writes RICHARD BEAN .
4 The fish on the bench have increased over the year and he asked everyone to bring out just one fish every meeting .
5 ‘ If the Governor set aside four hours every day for two months he could spend a minute on each decision package , not enough time to read it , let alone make an analysis of its merits ’ ( Anthony , 1977 , p. 19 ) .
6 In the camera , the image formed by the lens is scanned electronically 25 times every second .
7 A study done by Edwin Colbert and his colleagues showed that a tiny 50 gramme ( 1.76 oz ) alligator heated up 1 °C every minute and a half from the Sun , while a large alligator some 260 times bigger took seven and a half minutes .
8 Some of the guinea pigs stopped running for a week after a competitive marathon , while a second group jogged lightly for about 30 minutes every day the week after the race .
9 Despite October 's United Nations-brokered peace accord , landmines still maim about 300 people every month .
10 Amtrak deals with about 12,000 parcels every day , and guarantees delivery the next morning .
11 She still does about 100 concerts every year with her six-piece band .
12 I 'd say on average I get about 10 letters every day . ’
13 Railfreight said that , according to the operations department at York , there were too many problems with the limestone train occu-pying the single line branch for about six hours every day .
14 Some 88 million bottles are consumed every year , i.e the equivalent of nearly ¼ million bottles every day — or about three bottles every second of every day .
15 Mr Malik used those very words about three times every day .
16 They get through about three dustbin-fuls every week .
17 It was totally unbalanced — there were ten or so Labour people , and about four hundred Conservatives — it sat for about three hours every day , and there were a great number like Halifax , Salisbury , Beaverbrook who had been prominent in political life .
18 Nine out of 10 people now listen to the radio for about three hours every day , despite having more TV stations than ever to choose from , according to the Cultural Trends report for 1993 .
19 no , you need n't , need n't take those you got out last Friday , its the earlier one 's of which will be due next week I 'm sure cos they 've put up the prices now , its about ten P every day you have them out .
20 An alarming statistic , particularly considering that the brown rat also carries leptospirosis or Weil 's disease , which infects half the rat population of Britain and kills about ten people every year .
21 Once these buildings were the heart of Swindon , they employed 14,000 people , turning out one locomotive every week and a wagon every hour .
22 Longer-term effects were studied in four young couples , three who normally slept about 8 hours every night , and one who slept 6.5 hours a night , who volunteered to attempt to reduce their sleep progressively to 4.5 hours a night over a period of between six and eight months .
23 I would prepare about 60 tortillas every day because that was all we had to eat — tortillas and beans .
24 ‘ We take on about 15 girls every year , but very few come through the door .
25 It was an impressive practical training , for a handful of apprentice midwives delivered about 1,300 women every year .
26 I stretch for at least 10 minutes every morning and try to warm up and down for running and cycling .
27 In fact you must look in there three times every day until the ferret is retrieved .
28 The trust has now drawn up detailed plans and claims a living museum at Bletchley Park could attract at least 100,000 visitors every year .
29 And experts have warned that this could kill at least ten people every year .
30 On average FIDOR handles around 10,000 enquiries every year , and of these , around 50% are from members of the general public .
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