Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [pron] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 So let me turn to an issue , less Earth shattering , but no less vexatious — the keeping of mink in Shetland .
2 So let us drink to the long cool blonde
3 So let us return to what happens when money supply rises .
4 So let us come to Kemp himself .
5 So let us turn to two arguments challenging the validity of the idea in a way which makes even approximation to complete neutrality a chimerical notion .
6 So let us turn to the main part of Culver 's book , and see whether his hopes are substantiated .
7 Yeah so do you want to sort of make a decision now , or wait till next week or
8 But not only do they have to be tough motorists … they also have to be skillful photographers and writers too .
9 Lies are essential in life , says Professor Loyal Rue — not only do we lie to others , we tell ourselves fibs to make us feel better .
10 Not only do you go to work knowing that your child is in safe hands , but you have a ready made friend , sympathetic listener and companion for you and your child all in one neat package .
11 Not only do you have to be up there , in the thick of the action , the whole time , but you also specialize in following your balls !
12 Given the apparent novelty nature of this venture , how long do they intend to be Kickin' Afrolistics ?
13 If they get in if they start getting in the way the best thing to do is just let them relax to the side and try and forget about them , I know it 's difficult to forget about them but just to the conscious effort with the hands is just to put them at the side .
14 ‘ Well , just let us talk to him for a few moments , ’ said one of them .
15 ‘ The idea is to save as much as you can and not let it go to the government .
16 Do these words refer to the actual expense incurred by the school in providing the benefit or do they refer to the hypothetical expense incurred by the school arrived at by the formula of dividing the total cost of running the school by the number of pupils attending it or to put it more shortly do they refer to the additional or the average cost of the provision of the benefit .
17 How exactly do they relate to grammar and vocabulary ?
18 ( a ) What exactly do they mean to you ?
19 But what exactly do you say to that special someone whom you drugged to get into bed ?
20 How close do you feel to Christians you know who belong to a different denomination ?
21 Going back to your lead playing , how close do you stick to your recorded solos in the live situation ?
22 They 're one of the reasons I now make everyone come to me , rather than traipsing round the world . ’
23 Now let me return to you as teacher , because you are a very important part of the art lesson .
24 Now let us go to the church , and I shall show you how Damien died . ’
25 Now let us return to P1 and ask what happens if the additional constraint is included in P1 .
26 Now let us specialize to the frame in free fall .
27 Now let us come to the point : are you willing to overlook this — this regrettable incident and try again ? ’
28 Now let us turn to some samples to illustrate this , which we can try for ourselves .
29 Now let us turn to exemption clauses and the effect upon them of the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act .
30 Now let us listen to Mrs Jones .
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