Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The man nodded and smiled all over again — rather encouragingly , this time — and then , smiling in a somewhat more valedictory sort of way , edged slowly back out through the door .
2 Guests are often late and rarely sit down at the table on time .
3 Right sit up on the chair and we 'll read the story of the jumble sale .
4 Market expectations are for little change upwards in the RPI from the latest figure of 7.3 per cent .
5 It leaves me like a right fool out in the bloody open . ’
6 An hour later , Tracy and Miss Ludlow helped him secretly slip away from the hospital to spend two days in a secluded Miami retreat soaking up the sun before returning to Newmarket .
7 As you catch a wave and accelerate down its face you vigorously steer away from the wind .
8 It did n't matter which lead mode I selected , when I 'd pulled enough gain out of the system to create the required feel , the volume had all but gone , rendering the sound pretty unusable since it was way below that of my other patches .
9 3 Stir in the peanut butter and gently bring back to the boil until the sauce thickens and goes glossy and smooth .
10 We will fail to understand the significance of terrestrial zodiacs If we merely pick up on the generally insignificant evidence for their physical reality .
11 Sweetman turned a furious smeared face at us , then drove his garish boat hard at Wavebreaker 's hull to gouge a long scratch down to the bare metal .
12 Concluding this section , it can be said that manual workers not only suffer more from the costs and deprivations of the workplace than non-manual workers but they also receive lower compensation and rewards in terms of pay , fringe benefits and , in some instances , even of social security benefits .
13 The world will applaud , and rightly press on with the lifting of sanctions .
14 In my discussions with the police , it was one of the buildings we offered them , and I went with erm , the new inspector to look at that , and I still said they were somewhat put off by the cold austere sort of feeling of the place .
15 It is somewhat let down by the front of the headstock , which is covered in sanding marks , but in the company it keeps here it 's the exception rather than the rule .
16 Twenty years ago , many of the smaller economies were more or less cut off from the world market economy .
17 The proper equipment makes the whole operation far easier and safer , and encourages instructors to practise those exercises which can so often result in a long walk back to the launch point .
18 For example , the report appears to distinguish between ‘ genotoxic ’ substances , which are mutagenic and directly damage DNA , and ‘ non-genotoxic ’ or ‘ epigenetic ’ substances , which apparently act indirectly on the genome .
19 Here you can sit in an arch-lined square , shop for the region 's wonderful food and wine , wander the Saturday market , or perhaps walk up to the medieval hilltop castle and village of Montefioralle where the views stretch forever .
20 For example , an elder ( like the rest of us ) will get up , go to the toilet , go through familiar washing routines , make tea , collect the paper from the front door , and perhaps walk down to the shops or catch the bus into town , with competence and efficiency .
21 And then there was the attempt not to issue a questionnaire to every household but to reserve the questionnaires in the Town Hall for four week days Saturdays to will honour the people who did n't actually have Friday who were at home perhaps walk in to the City Centre you might be able to pick one of these up and then there was the problem distrib in distributing the questionnaire because despite of the assurance given to the consultants they were nevertheless distributed amongst the numerous St Albans and believe you me even those likely people who did go to the press do sometimes for every that we having suddenly fully congressed to see whether perhaps there might be a consultation questionnaire lurking within it .
22 They bring plenty of energy to the quick outer movements and rightly relax somewhat in the more lyrical passages ( repeats are observed , too ) .
23 The three equations taken together embody both of the major predictions outlined in the rational expectations macroeconomic model developed in chapter 4 .
24 Many had begun by raging against it as angry young men or women and felt terribly let down by the failure of the Wilson government to make much of a dent in it .
25 All students should be encouraged to take an active part and not merely listen passively to the tutor and one or two loquacious individuals .
26 A full service history is essential and mechanical repair can be expensive , so shop around for the top examples .
27 Afterwards , she felt very much let down by the family 's decision , saying she would have preferred to die rather than live in such a disabled condition .
28 So watch out for the del key .
29 In terms of how rant and rave for probably not very long and you do n't get aggressive behaviour , got nowhere else to go , you got ta get to come back down hang on to the chair to grim death absolute shambles never used it like this .
30 The first time I get on , it is often after spending a few hours with them , and I kinda transfer over from the stable door to their backs . ’
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