Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So enjoy using the combinations of colours , the simplicity of the shapes and create your own piece of the Mediterranean .
2 Auer was suspended in a hanging basket , his dead legs dangling beneath him , reaching out with a surreally long scoop to dredge the chips into a central sinkhole .
3 This may seem surprising if we are used to assuming that girls only choose to study the arts because society ‘ expects ’ it of them ; it also contradicts Snow 's ( 1959 ) argument that scientists were more politically radical than the literary intelligentsia .
4 I do n't mean helmeted sentries literally do patrol the walls by night , I do n't mean even that anything 's actually been seen , but the things that go on in people 's minds are realities , and do influence events .
5 The arguments are taking yet another turn , but only serve to emphasise the differences between management in the private and public domains ( Ranson and Stewart 1989 ) .
6 Toys amuse a horse and so help to lessen the chances that the horse will form bad habits which are destructive to itself or its surroundings .
7 In Japan as elsewhere the commitment to employment security is an attempt by firms to reduce the turnover of key employees and so avoid transferring the benefits of training programmes to rival firms .
8 Load of savages they were , only come to see the girls .
9 Besides , any interrogation had to be left to the Captain , who had enough experience to separate the half-truths from the lies .
10 You only have to study the improvisations of musicians like Charlie Parker , Clifford Brown and John Coltrane to discover an abundance of chromatic tension and resolution points .
11 You only need to carry the fags and milk .
12 So instead of trying all 26 letters at a wild card position , we only need to try the letters in one of these 6 subsets .
13 First , the pace of change and economic developments during the last twenty years or so have altered the landscapes he described very considerably .
14 ( iv ) Discard most of the supernatant , leaving behind just enough citrate covering the cells to flick the cells into a suspension by gently tapping the sides of the tube .
15 In considering products , it is important to note that people generally want to acquire the benefits of the product , rather than its features .
16 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
17 Often they just want to know the figures .
18 I just want to get the looks right ’ .
19 It is a shame that Opposition Members utterly neglect to welcome the successes of this country and take every opportunity to run them down as well as the prospects of the country .
20 ‘ The dialogue between us began like this : ‘ Of course , you can begin your [ EDI ] project , but just keep sending the bills on paper as well ! ’ , ’ he said .
21 People just keep buying the buggers .
22 We just keep following the railings , and up one of the streets to the Green … . ’
23 Police refused to intervene as protesters attempted to drive their cars to the point on the Atlantic coast where conservationists yearly attempt to count the birds before the hunters move in for the kill .
24 However , existing GIS 's largely fail to exploit the possibilities for statistical analysis of the data which they display .
25 You , I thought you are you just start getting the shakes by the window again were n't you ?
26 Documentaries still seek the sensational and thus help to compound the fears of the public about mental handicap hospitals .
27 He also recognises that ‘ the England management might not fancy giving the guys a swansong ’ .
28 Life being what it is , unfortunately , our desires inevitably conflict , especially since we are social beings as well as individuals ( Richards invokes Bentham here ) , and thus have to consider the needs of others as well as our own .
29 Brewster and Brewster say , " After the words become old friends you will no longer need to indicate the stresses " ( LAMP p.255 ) .
30 All the clients on the network are programmed using a single dialect of S Q L so our programmers no longer have to know the nuances and differences between each of the proprietary extensions of the SQL of each database they 're programming against .
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