Example sentences of "[adv] [vb base] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 However , Hall ( 1982a ; 1982b ) hoped that higher-skilled and better-paid jobs would eventually Appear through the same processes that had driven countries such as Hong Kong , South Korea and Singapore from low-grade , low-paid economies into higher , if not always ‘ higher-tech ’ production .
2 This is not to say that they convey the same sense , nor that they necessarily refer to the same event ; but given what we know , both about the real world and the fictional world , it is reasonable to infer from each the same event .
3 So feel with the same intensity but do the contrary . ’
4 Now that you have the wealth of information about diet at your fingertips and the invaluable personal experience , you merely proceed in the same way as you did in Stage II of the diet .
5 Participation could perhaps be increased if the event is planned beforehand ; for example , it might be an advantage if groups of children who all live in the same area arranged to meet and cycle to school together .
6 At the beginning of the line , the aircraft all start from the same common stock , but as they progress the goodies are added or not added according to the order .
7 The 231 staff were re-employed indefinitely — at cost of £50,000 each — some doing less work for the same money .
8 As can be seen , words such as dog , frog and happy , have different zone codes , but these all reduce to the same reduced zone code .
9 However , they no longer act in the same way .
10 If you are sincerely dieting in a way that has led you to lose weight in the past , just stick with the same regime for a further week or two .
11 All atoms with a particular speed thus deposit in the same place .
12 Where there are dramatic differences of incidence for different groups , where the social pattern investigated is simplex ( for example , class difference only ) , and where the differences virtually always tend in the same direction , it is often unnecessary to test for significance , because the patterns revealed are so clear that no one could believe they are the results of pure chance .
13 Although in some instances the sex/style differences are very slight , they are quite consistent in that they usually tend in the same direction , much as Labov ( 1966 : 7 ) found for social class and style : ‘ Native New Yorkers differ in their usage in terms of absolute values of the variables , but the shifts between contrasting styles follow the same pattern in almost every case . ’
14 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
15 A test performed at a reputable clinic — and found to be positive — is checked by doing further test on the same sample using different methods to detect HIV antibodies .
16 ‘ The crystals always grow in the same direction and then they are shaped , ’ they say .
17 The reflected waves interfere with the incoming waves to produce a pattern of standing waves or clapotis , the crests of which always appear in the same places ( Fig. 8. 1A ) .
18 It attracted people of similar views and backgrounds and it 's no surprise — or should n't be — that such people still mix in the same circles now .
19 You must take for twenty-one days religiously , stop for seven , always begin on the same day of the week , got it ?
20 If going to bed , eating and hairwashing always happen in the same way , she accepts them with little or no fuss .
21 change their mind , there must be there must be nine other posts that if they look round they could civilianise not I mean they have n't got to tell the public much it have they you still talk about the same amount of officers being civilianised .
22 I shall argue that the psychological arrow is determined by the thermodynamic arrow , and that these two arrows necessarily always point in the same direction .
23 They always go to the same place .
24 In many ways , the Lebanon of 1892 is still identifiable to us , for the various religious communities — the minority tribes — still live in the same villages and cities as they did then .
25 I still live in the same place , but I try to vary my route , to fight laziness .
26 I always start with the same line : ‘ Mr President , Mr Chairman , distinguished guests , gentlemen , 18-handicap golfers , vagrants , vagabonds , tramps , plebs and solicitors , welcome to everyone .
27 This time it 's Bangor being written off after another 1-1 home result in the same competition against Apoel Nicosia .
28 And I am terribly bored by my colleagues in art history , who always write about the same thing .
29 ( ‘ I pointed out to my boss that we could run the business straight and still pull in the same sort of money , but he said straight money did n't spend right . ’ )
30 and which angle we work with it still come to the same thing .
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