Example sentences of "[adv] [det] than [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Interestingly , gap junctions in patients with recurrent ulcer were much fewer than in patients with first onset ulcer .
2 RENFE workers ' overtime levels have also been high , though somewhat less than in BR where overtime and shift earnings are virtually the only way of supplementing basic pay .
3 Hours of teaching practice varied between 90 and 630 , and supervision ( ignoring those who listed upwards of 100 hours ! ) was often for less than 10 hours in total — noticeably less than for English on average .
4 For instance , the standard of merchantable quality of secondhand or shop-soiled goods is clearly less than of brand new goods , and a vendor who spells out that he is selling secondhand or shop-soiled goods is still warranting conformance with description , but it is a different description from the one he would have applied to brand new goods .
5 ‘ The differences between various digital formats are far less than between microphone placings .
6 Although the price of a dishwasher may seem expensive , the costs of actually running the machine can work out to be far less than for washing-up by hand .
7 This road to promotion was even more conspicuous in Germany and the Low Countries , where the feudal hierarchy was less organized than in England , and where a king depended on his domain servants for administrative and judicial services , and military aid , far more than in England or France .
8 Non-wage costs such as firms ' social-security payments add 20–45% , far more than in America and Japan .
9 But they should welcome it if in fact their dealings cost them materially less than at present .
10 The Prime Minister objects to a guillotine date for the treaty revision conference even more than to setting of an opening date for the inter-governmental conference where she is resigned to be outvoted .
11 This is because in children , even more than in adults , pathological behaviour is the outcome of an interactional process .
12 In this country that has been ravaged by civil war even more than by drought , security is shaky .
13 One of the problems of deciding how much of a person 's temperament is inherited is due to the fact that babies are usually brought up in an environment of both parents , or at least more than on individual , and that they take a while to grow and show many personality characteristics .
14 As we saw earlier , the period which marks the emergence of Consumers ' Co-operation as virtually the sole objective of the Movement , and its rejection of authentic Producers ' Co-operation , coincides with Hobsbawm 's Age of Capital , that period which marked the phenomenal growth of a global economy of industrial capitalism and so held out the prospect of unlimited and unfailing progress — and nowhere more than in Britain which held a de facto international monopoly in trade in manufactures .
15 Francis was n't wrong , but change is regarded with suspicion , nowhere more than in football .
16 He was therefore more than at home in French culture , he was an important participant in its development , assimilating it ( as he reputedly said ) rather than being assimilated by it .
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