Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] as [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 The dung only penetrated as far as my upper thigh as we struck up the devastated hillside towards Meall a' Choire Leith .
2 ‘ You know , Dorothy , you and I have one thing in common , ’ I remember saying to myself in a Dutch accent , ‘ we both only got as far as Harwich . ’
3 I left early before the nuns were awake but I only got as far as Glasgow before I lost my way . ’
4 He set off with rucksack and typewriter on a round-the-world trip , but only got as far as New Orleans , where , ever the hopeless romantic , he fell in love with a girl he met on a park bench .
5 ‘ What 's an 81 anyway , Paul — I though we 'd only got as far as 7b ? ’
6 ‘ We 'd only got as far as having a preliminary psyche dissection on Daine , ’ said Trefusis , ‘ but the Yggdrasil probes suggest he had a similar-although far more pronounced — set of personality deformities .
7 By next morning I 'd only got as far as realising that I had to talk you round . ’
8 Even my wharped mind had only got as far as thinking .
9 REBEL sea captain Jack Lammiman set sail from Whitby on his greatest journey yet to America but only got as far as Scarborough .
10 The otter was the only strictly European species to make it into the overall ‘ Top 10 ’ , though badger , fox and hedgehog all got as far as the top 20 .
11 The difficult and often contradictory principles of this age-long argument were memorably expressed as early as Plato 's version of the Apology of Socrates and , with a different bearing , in his Republic .
12 This is the principle , though it is rarely done as nakedly as this .
13 This simplicity is , of course , in many respects the precise object of their management , because energy and nutrients are thereby channelled as directly as possible into human consumption with few sidechains and reduction in the losses involved in transferring energy between trophic levels .
14 The sparrow was n't too badly injured as far as I could tell , but it was obviously in a state of shock and could n't fly .
15 Since the opening of the Sterling Commercial Paper ( SCP ) market in 1986 , there have been regular issues but the market has not developed as quickly as national ( as opposed to euro ) commercial paper markets in many other European countries .
16 EASE is the biggest operation by a long way , although electronic selling has not developed as quickly as the ANM Group hoped when it introduced the idea from Canada .
17 Traditionally , the more active members have tended to belong to local groups , and the numbers of groups and group members have not grown as fast as the national membership .
18 Searches are not made as frequently as staff would like , because they say , shortages mean there simply are n't enough officers to do it .
19 ‘ If a co-ordinated effort is not made as quickly as possible , the death toll could increase dramatically to become a major catastrophe , ’ said Mr Demoze Kebebu , regional representative of Ethiopia 's Bureau of Refugee Affairs .
20 This sector of the market has not expanded as rapidly as expected .
21 Often he is afraid that these jobs will not be done , or not done as well as he would do them .
22 An old favourite it is sometimes available , if not seen as often as Corydoras aneus and Corydoras paleatus .
23 But when I saw it tonight I had just struggled as far as the road .
24 The rapidly rising birth rate is only part of the explanation , since the birth rate has not risen as fast as urban populations have increased .
25 If my readers still doubt this let them consider the situation as we find it among societies which have not advanced as far as we have , for instance , among the aborigines of Central Australia .
26 Negotiations were conducted in great secrecy when the manuscripts had already got as far as the freeport in Zurich and were being examined by two well backed dealers and by representatives of the Getty Museum .
27 Even then , he had not got as far as thinking what would be the music that introduced the News and all at once the screen was filled with a picture of his own house , a picture that nearly jolted him out of his skin .
28 They had not got as far as Bamburgh , being warned by scouts of an English reinforcement army from Newcastle on the march northwards , which could have caused complications .
29 Women are faced with making a choice between the needs of their children and their own needs , and that is one of the things which , because they 've put the needs of their children , the needs of their dependents , ahead of their own needs , they themselves and the needs of women have not got as far as they could .
30 Indeed , that term is no longer used as confidently as it once was .
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