Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] in to the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I expect to come out of these games with good results , ’ said Atkinson , before warning about hidden pitfalls in the long run in to the finishing line .
2 One effect of this strategy was to create a large number of internal refugees — some reports estimating that some 150,000 Cambodians were displaced during 1990 , either by being forcibly moved in to the interior by SOC troops , or by fleeing from Khmer Rouge attack .
3 ‘ Even though PDAG is not to be abolished until next April , it seems members have already given in to the Tories .
4 It was in 1982 that TMAM finally moved in to the airfield , taking over two pre-fabricated huts that had been part of the Station in the late 1940s and early 1950s .
5 In addition , many other categories of workers in the formal and informal sectors in all three worlds have been progressively drawn in to the global capitalist system by the simple expedient of severely restricting and in more and more cases absolutely destroying their prospects for selfsufficiency in the provision of food , shelter and other ‘ necessities ’ of life .
6 The spokeswoman for the mission said : ’ Recognition not tied in to the negotiating process is not a sensible thing right now . ’
7 The wall was not tied in to the end gables .
8 Coats , bags and shoes were to be left in the corridors and not brought in to the hall .
9 She 'd just walked in to the nearest doorway and spilled the whole thing to a complete stranger .
10 The drawing suggests how a sector of resources has been ignored and is not linked in to the over-all plan .
11 MRS LEONA ‘ Queen Meanie ’ Helmsley , the self-styled Hotel Queen who failed to pay her million-dollar tax bill , yesterday booked in to the meagre , but free-of-charge , accommodation of an American jail cell .
12 Are the participants totally locked in to the the production of er Eurofighter ?
13 Fortunately , I love to drive , although there seems little point in having the capacity to reach high speeds when you are bumper to bumper , even less point in having a CD player with quadraphonic sound when you are permanently tuned in to the traffic reports !
14 Modigliani sketched a middle-aged couple in evening dress who had probably dropped in to the Rotonde late one night .
15 So it 's automatically built in to the first life assured , but it is an option for the second if they want it .
16 In Baroness Lemberg 's creepily ornate fortune-telling parlor the lights are on and the baroness ( Miss Page ) is supposedly tuned in to the truth .
17 For a moment she 'd been on the verge of telling Penny why she was in such a hurry , but the moment passed , and she was glad she had n't given in to the impulse .
18 Still , Huy had answered Surere 's summons , had even given in to the messenger 's insistence that they travel in the closed rickshaw , so that he would not be able to tell where they were going .
19 Two of the Actuarial typists were then smuggled in to the delight of the all male audience and sang ‘ Three Little Girls ’ along with ‘ Nobby ’ Knox , who was distinguishable only by the fact that he was the one not wearing a mini-skirt .
20 She took one step forward and toppled Mitch fully dressed in to the swimming-pool without a moment 's hesitation .
21 Still fresh and green at the back end , it could provide a juicy supplement to the diet of a early calving cow , or for the smallholder 's animals newly brought in to the byre for the winter .
22 The location of the entrepreneurship of the fifth Kondratiev actually seems determined by publicly funded research , and most of the scientific and professional work-force actually moved in to the areas .
23 And their flagship , Somerwest World at Minehead , is certainly tuned in to the tastes of 1992 .
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