Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] it at the " in BNC.

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1 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
2 Although she had not realised it at the time , looking back she could see that her life at Mrs White 's had been quite lonely .
3 This E S R D really is the bible and we have specified the aircraft to meet that E S R D and not anything extra , er obviously if one of the four nations wants to build a nuclear role into the aircraft that becomes a very big political question first and foremost and we have just not considered it at the technical level at all because it 's er it 's not in the requirement .
4 It was a thoroughly tested number as Tiller had not only shown it at the Palace but his La Scala Girls had also performed it at the Winter Gardens Pavilion , Blackpool , the previous year .
5 You must get the alternative there first , and we have n't got it at the moment .
6 She insisted that she had never seen it at the design stage .
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