Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] to him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 God 's mighty instrument is the lives that are wholly given to Him for His purpose .
2 Hayling was also in charge of media initiatives , so Lowe naturally turned to him with the newspaper they had so often discussed as comrades in Big Flame .
3 For him it held a special appeal ; the one day of the week he could break bread with his family and not have to feel that they were only loaned to him for the while — his son Joshua had no business to go to , his grandson Jacob no college lectures .
4 The Factory Whistle he had already read , in the handsome new edition personally inscribed to him by Viola Machin ( ‘ To Gregory Hocking a very good friend to both Walter 's widows — from Viola Machin ’ ) .
5 True , the word star could be loosely applied to him on the basis that he had ‘ starred ’ in more than a dozen films .
6 the ‘ evidence ’ comes from the subject himself and is not given to him by another person .
7 In fact Waugh had just written to him as a stranger to thank him for his ‘ ingenious and delightful allegory ’ — his gratitude all the warmer because , as he flatteringly remarks , he had tried to buy a copy and found it sold out .
8 The fact that the title of Khan was a military as well as a civil appointment had not occurred to him until now , but now that he thought about it , the suggestion seemed ridiculous .
9 For instance , if he has money of the client in his hands not entrusted to him for any specific purpose , there is nothing in the section to prevent his retaining the amount due to him out of that money .
10 the driving by the Policyholder of any motor car not belonging to him and not hired to him under a Hire Purchase Agreement .
11 Cadogan says ferried to question this man till he 's dry , question him to death if necessary , but I 've already spoken to him for hours .
12 A 19-year-old single girl took an overdose of tablets after claiming to be in love with a priest — despite the fact she had not spoken to him for four years .
13 That is not to say that the Minister has not left questions unanswered , not least the one just put to him by my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , North ( Mr. Corbyn ) .
14 Angelica said that such a gesture would certainly catch the local people off-guard ; a new policeman had been appointed to the area about two years before , and everybody still referred to him as ‘ that newcomer ’ .
15 There on the television monitors was a body lying alone in the middle of the track with his seat still strapped to him like a pilot 's parachute pack .
16 What was it Adams had once said to him apropos talking to Edna : it 's a gamble .
17 Have you ever talked to him about her ?
18 Except that I had n't seen him since he lay on his camp-bed and watched me sleeping naked with his beloved wife , the woman I 'd always characterized to him as ‘ sister ’ .
19 He shifted under her , sliding her away so that she was still bound to him by the steel bands of his arms , but was now lying by his side .
20 The little horse was the most extraordinary thing that had ever happened to him in all his life , appearing like that in the torchlight and looking at him even before it was wholly born , as if to say , ‘ Hi , mate . ’
21 Between exercises he tried to keep his mind occupied in a number of ways : reciting every poem he could ever remember , pretending to dictate his autobiography to an invisible stenographer so that he could go over everything that had ever happened to him in his twenty-one years .
22 All this had been carefully explained to him by Bewdsley , who had been sent to find him .
23 A further three years ' non-residence , as well as the revenues of Ightham , were also granted to him by papal indult .
24 Yet he accepts , as we think he must , that if a section 2(2) notice had been served upon the applicant before he was charged it would have overridden the caution which was presumably administered to him upon his arrest .
25 State of the Art , David advertises ‘ Stylophone ’ , originally given to him by Marc Bolan
26 His retention of the custody of a number of escheated royal honours in Essex and of Hadleigh Castle ( originally granted to him in July 1264 ) until the end of 1265 or beginning of 1266 , and his subsequent association with John de Burgh in June 1266 in the keeping of the peace in the counties of Essex and Hertfordshire , indicate that he successfully negotiated the transition from Montfortian rule to royalist restoration after the battle of Evesham .
27 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
28 He knew , as all the boys had always known , that she had not had the best of lives with his father , but she had never before spoken to him like this .
29 Their abstract certitudes seemed far removed to him from the inherent contradictions in human nature .
30 His part in the murder proceedings had attracted unwelcome publicity ; the tabloid press invariably referred to him as ‘ the Shropshire Sherlock ’ , a nickname which had not afforded his rustic constituents much pleasure .
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