Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] and [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 The proprietors of Elmfield House , Jim and Edith Lillie , were initially a little apprehensive about opening their much restored and much-cared for home to the public — but they soon came to appreciate the friendship and interest given to them by their visitors from all over the world .
2 As they surrounded him , eyes red-rimmed and faces glistening from the heat of the flames , their whooping cries added to the pandemonium and it seemed to Owen as if he had already died and retribution for the sins of his life was about to be exacted by Satan 's minions .
3 The project pointed out that an audit is easier if it is carefully planned and responsibility for particular aspects is shared out .
4 By historical standards , companies and consumers look badly over-borrowed and ill-prepared for a downturn .
5 The trip is now fully booked and money for tickets should be paid in as soon as possible .
6 Polar lakes and ponds are partly or completely frozen and snow-covered for much of the year .
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