Example sentences of "[adv] [det] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , remarkably few birds of prey survive their first winter in the wild , but once they have done so life seems to be a bit easier for them .
2 Then perhaps some joints of meat , or a fowl .
3 There would be no hard news , said the DoI , but if we were interested in learning the background it would bring together some experts on fibre optics to brief us on this new technology .
4 ‘ It helps to be a woman and I can exploit that when it suits because there are so few women in Parliament and it concerns a lot of people .
5 Explaining why she thought there were so few women in science , she said :
6 Why are there so few collectors of art in the United Kingdom ?
7 One might hardly suspect that so simple a task for so few seconds of film could prove so practically trying and , on reflection , so symbolic of our whole chain of adventures , attempting to keep aloft and alive a consecutive string of luminous mirrors against rather ridiculous odds .
8 He not only has room in his science for God ; he tries to create God using only some laws of physics , some simplifying assumptions , some outrageous extrapolations , and truly cosmic gall .
9 Suppose we can rescue only some prisoners of tyranny ; justice hardly requires rescuing none even when only luck , not any principle , will decide whom we save and whom we leave to torture .
10 The criminal law sees only some types of property deprivation as robbery or theft ; it excludes , for example , the separation of consumers and part of their money that follows manufacturers ' malpractices or advertisers ' misrepresentations ; it excludes shareholders losing their money because managers behaved in ways which they thought would be to the advantage of shareholders even though the only tangible benefits accrued to the managers ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; it excludes the extra tax citizens , in this or other countries , have to pay because : ( i ) corporations and the very wealthy are able to employ financial experts at discovering legal loopholes through which money can be safely transported to tax havens ; ( ii ) Defence Department officials have been bribed to order more expensive weaponry systems or missiles in ‘ excess ’ of those ‘ needed ’ ; ( iii ) multinational drug companies charge our National Health Services prices which are estimated to be at least , £50 millions in excess of alternative supplies .
11 The criminal law defines only some types of violence as criminal assault ; it excludes verbal assaults that can , and sometimes do , break a person 's spirit ; it excludes forms of assault whose injuries become apparent years later , such as those resulting from working in a polluted factory environment where the health risk was known to the employer but concealed from the employee ( Swartz 1975 ) ; it excludes ‘ compulsory ’ drug-therapy or electric-shock treatment given to ‘ mentally disturbed ’ patients or prisoners who are denied the civilized rights to refuse such beneficial medical help ( Mitford 1977 ; Szasz 1970,1977a , 1977b ) ; it excludes chemotherapy prescribed to control ‘ naughty ’ schoolboys , but includes physically hitting teachers ( Box 1981b ; Schrag and Divoky 1981 ) .
12 Got ta hand in , had to hand in some investigations for maths .
13 The use of medical terminology in the book is to be applauded , particularly as definitions are given , which it is to be hoped , will assist in breaking down some barriers between health professionals and the lay public .
14 Eventually tracking down some bottles of alcohol in the kitchen , she popped her head back around the door to ask Ross what he wanted .
15 Take in every little movement they make , watch how they immediately gulp down some items of food , when at other times they will suck and blow it out several times before consuming it .
16 It is always wise for the counsellor to be aware of any possible worries that the counsellee might have about the meeting , and have ready some words of reassurance about the purpose of their meeting .
17 We should also remember that just as not every piece of writing need go through one or more stages of drafting , so some pieces of writing need not be pursued to a finished stage .
18 Just as adherents of astrology , when predicted events fail to appear , find reasons from within the scheme of astrology for the failure , so some apologists for psychoanalysis find reasons why their hypotheses and predictions do not stand the test .
19 Perhaps such abbreviations of thought are inevitable in the limited space available for text on a display label .
20 But for the children running up and down the aisles in church or the yobs in leather jackets barging the queue at petrol stations , the elderly are n't so much objects of deference as obstacles to be pushed peremptorily aside .
21 I conclude that which I took so much pains about will never come to thy hands .
22 We departed by the garden staircase , bringing with us only such articles of apparel and personal effects as could be worn or carried .
23 Oddly enough these men of science are not only willing but eager to talk on their subject , and to that end he 's invited the author of his present reading matter to lunch on Sunday to explain about ‘ … anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies , that … ’
24 Together these trends towards pressure , protest and censorship at a national level , demand in turn from librarians a national and global response , or in other words a consistent and professional approach to and reaction against censorship .
25 Listeners were not pleased to learn that the Commons sometimes sounded like an undergraduate debating society and so these broadcasts of question time ceased .
26 So these conditions of service then are those which apply to all current and future staff .
27 Gay men attending STD clinics tend to be more sexually active than gay men in general , so these rates of infection do not apply to all gay men .
28 It had that rustic look which only many years of weathering can attain .
29 Between these two extremes there are obviously many degrees of importance , so we can hardly make hard and fast rules which suit all occasions .
30 It involves bringing together many sources of information ; relying on narrow , numeric scales to assess certain criteria ( e.g. sales , costs ) can fudge complex interrelationships and lead to poor judgement and bad decisions .
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